Seattle Antifa Hate Group Threatens to Burn Down Church Over Event With Charlie Kirk

Like in Germany in the 1930’s, ANTIFA is now going after churches in Seattle.  The American Nazi movement has made it clear, no free speech, no private property, and no police protecting the public.  ANTIFA is only missing the guy with a moustache being in charge.

“A Puyallup, Wash., church has canceled an event featuring conservative speaker Charlie Kirk after antifa activists threatened to burn down all of its buildings and torch the neighbors’ properties too.

Motion Church planned an event with Kirk, the head of Turning Point USA and a Christian speaker, on May 2.

The church, in a community south of Seattle, ministers to the homeless, lost, and addicted people in addition to hosting regular services and events at the church for families, and those seeking to know Christ more.

But hosting Charlie Kirk was just a bridge too far for the antifa terror group.”

The Governor of Washington is allowing terrorists to control Seattle, the churches in the State and to control speech.  The most famous State of Washington resident, Bill Gates—who spends millions each year in personal bodyguards and security has no problem with terrorists running his home State—but has a real problem with Georgia running honest elections.

Seattle Antifa Hate Group Threatens to Burn Down Church Over Event With Charlie Kirk

By Victoria Taft, PJ Media,   4/24/21 

A Puyallup, Wash., church has canceled an event featuring conservative speaker Charlie Kirk after antifa activists threatened to burn down all of its buildings and torch the neighbors’ properties too.

Motion Church planned an event with Kirk, the head of Turning Point USA and a Christian speaker, on May 2.

The church, in a community south of Seattle, ministers to the homeless, lost, and addicted people in addition to hosting regular services and events at the church for families, and those seeking to know Christ more.

But hosting Charlie Kirk was just a bridge too far for the antifa terror group.

On Friday, Motion Church Pastor Roger Archer posted a video announcing that he was being forced to cancel the May 3 event because “the soft targets of churches, the elderly, women, children, and law-abiding citizens are vulnerable to anarchists who live free of the fear of reprisal. [T]he cops don’t have the manpower to protect the several properties used by the church.”

It’s unclear how the terror threats were communicated to the church leadership, but Pastor Archer said the fact that the cops don’t have the manpower to help and the governor doesn’t have the political will to fight back means the church would have been left to the antifa arsonists and vandals of antifa and BLM.

What a state of affairs.

In the video, Archer said the threats targeted not just the church properties but the homes and properties around them.

Radical terrorist mobs, like the ones who rioted on Seattle’s Capitol Hill, they sprung into action. They sprung with threatening declarations.They vowed to not only burn our properties to the ground, they but also brought threats of physical threats against our church leadership, our neighbors, their property, and basically wreak havoc in our community – this precious community that we love.

I’m sitting here wondering what to do. What recent history has taught us is there’s an apparent lack of interest at the state level of leadership to protect decent, taxpaying citizens. Those terrorist mobs know that there is no consequence for their lawlessness.They have nothing to lose and nothing to fear.

Ultimately, the church had to rescind the offer to speak.

Therefore, it is for the safety of my precious city and our precious church people that I have heartbreakingly cancelled our event with Mr. Kirk. Our deepest apologies go out to Mr. Kirk and his organization. He deserves much better from our state leadership, but, unfortunately, this is where we are. I will not put soft targets in harm’s way. I will not subject our community to destruction. And since our governor will not protect us we must take this course of action.

This is a sad commentary of our state of affairs, however, this only makes me more determined to to love and lead our community in new and creative ways. I want you to remember this, Motion Church: Love always wins.

After enduring nearly a year of protests, freeway blockings, fires, takeovers, and threats, it seems Washington’s political class is incapable of standing against the domestic terrorists of antifa and BLM.

Once again, these antifa activists that harm the law-abiding in the Pacific Northwest pretend they’re anti-fascist, but are in reality the ones threatening violence, silencing free speech, and trading in terror.

PJ Media reached out to both Kirk and Motion Church for comment.