Senate Appropriations Committee Stops Wilk’s Bill Expanding Sex Ed Transparency

Government school work hard to keep information from parents.  State Senator Wilk presented a bill, so parents could know about the sex ed being taught and promoted in schools.  The Democrats wanted to make sure it is next to impossible to for parents to know what is being said to their children.

“The bill would also have required local educational authorities to hold a publicly noticed hearing informing parents and guardians of how to examine those materials.

Under current law, sexual education curriculum materials are required to be provided for review upon request. However, the process to obtain them is often difficult, and there is no timeline requirement to fulfill the request.”

What are the Democrats afraid of?  Congrats to Sen. Wilk for standing up for the parents and children.  Now you know why we need school choice.

Senate Appropriations Committee Stops Wilk’s Bill Expanding Sex Ed Transparency

KHTS,  5/20/24

Senator Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, expressed frustration after his bill to increase transparency in schools’ sexual education curricula was held by the Senate Appropriations Committee.

“This was a straightforward bill that could have helped ease any possible tension between parents and school districts, creating a one-stop-shop for sex ed materials to be reviewed,” said Senator Wilk. “While sex ed is a necessary subject, it is also a personal one. The materials should be public and readily available so that parents can be easily kept in the loop. If we quash opportunities for dialogue, there will never be understanding.” 

Senate Bill 996 (SB 996) would have required school districts to publish sexual education and HIV prevention materials on their websites before being presented to students.

The bill would also have required local educational authorities to hold a publicly noticed hearing informing parents and guardians of how to examine those materials.

Under current law, sexual education curriculum materials are required to be provided for review upon request. However, the process to obtain them is often difficult, and there is no timeline requirement to fulfill the request. “In addition to giving parents their deserved seat at the table, this bill would have made it easier for teachers and administrators to do their jobs. If a parent saw their child’s curriculum online and had issues with it, they could opt them out. Simple. Parents should have absolute trust in their child’s educational experience, and this bill sought to bolster that trust. Sadly, parental rights don’t seem to matter under this progressive legislature,” concluded Wilk.