Shasta County Supervisor Kevin Crye Wants Honest Elections:  Bay Area Radicals Financing Recall

Shasta County Supervisor Kevin Crye Wants Honest Elections:  Bay Area Radicals Financing Recall

Editorial by Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 5/12/23

We all know the problems with the Dominion Voting Systems.

To start with, they do not allow an audit of the system after the vote.  It is a hackable system.  In most counties in California, the algorithm has been questioned—but with no answers.

We also know that paper ballots are quick to count.  When we had paper ballots, we knew by the morning after the election, with very few exceptions, who won an election.  Importantly, real people were able to observe the counting of the ballots and almost no questions of an honest count—easily audited and re-counted if needed.

The Shasta County Board of Supervisors vote 3-2 to assure honest elections returns by using paper ballots—not a questionable machine that few understood and is not audited.  Sounds like a great idea—honest elections.  Sadly, some prefer corruption, questions and a few controlling the election process with real people unable to monitor the results.  Plus, with new election laws, election results are not known for weeks after election day.

Newly elected Supervisor Kevin Crye, when asked to vote on renewing the Dominion contract voted NO.  Instead he wanted a full proof system of vote counting—paper ballots.  The folks in the Bay Area—not part of his District or County are now financing a Recall of Crye, for the crime of wanting honest elections.  Progressives in his County, upset they cannot win honest elections, started a Recall—because they know a paper ballot is honest—an unaudited machine is an opportunity for shenanigans.

This is his response to the Recall:

“I am in support of recalling politicians who commit illegal and unjust actions, but this recall effort against me has no merit. A difference in opinion is not only an unjustifiable reason to recall me, but also a disgrace to the principles our great Nation was founded upon.

This proposed recall is being used as a political football by a small group of the extreme left, these same individuals signed the overwhelming majority of the signatures to file this petition.

Let’s be clear, these would-be recallers are knowingly working to recall me so that Gavin Newsom can select his own extreme leftist Shasta County Supervisor. I am a proud conservative, husband, and father.

He is not charged with doing anything illegal—he is charged with wanting an honest election process.

Even if you are not in Shasta County, Supervisor Crye needs your help.  Walk precincts for him, donate to his efforts to oppose the Recall.  We need honest elections.  We need honest office holders.  We need people with a strong business and family background in office—we do not need radicals and ideologues holding our elections and lives hostage.

You may disagree with Supervisor Crye on wanting honest elections.  But, do not take away the right of people in District 1, Shasta County from choosing their own Supervisor.  Do not give the radical Gavin Newsom the ability to overturn the votes of Shasta citizens.

Regardless of where in California you live, this is your fight.  Please help Supervisor Crye by volunteering, donating or promoting his efforts for honest elections.  Go to his website,