State intervenes to address San Fran school district’s financial crisis and massive budget shortfall

Three members of the San Fran school Board are being Recalled.  This is the Board that tried to change the names of schools because they didn’t like the people.  Now we find out this Board has driven the District into bankruptcy.

“With the increasing likelihood that the San Francisco school district won’t be able to pay its bills, the state education superintendent is stepping in to address a dire financial tailspin resulting in a $116 million shortfall, a step aimed at avoiding a state takeover.

The intervention revealed Tuesday in district meeting documents means the state will bring in a fiscal consultant to help the San Francisco school board figure out how to cut the equivalent of 13% of its annual $1 billion budget. It will also require the district to submit any labor agreements to state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond for review.

This educationally and financially failed district is about to be controlled by the State.  This is the most Leftist city this side of Havana. 

State intervenes to address S.F. school district’s financial crisis and massive budget shortfall

Jill Tucker, SF Chronicle,  10/5/21 

With the increasing likelihood that the San Francisco school district won’t be able to pay its bills, the state education superintendent is stepping in to address a dire financial tailspin resulting in a $116 million shortfall, a step aimed at avoiding a state takeover.

The intervention revealed Tuesday in district meeting documents means the state will bring in a fiscal consultant to help the San Francisco school board figure out how to cut the equivalent of 13% of its annual $1 billion budget. It will also require the district to submit any labor agreements to state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond for review.

In addition, the state will require the district to withhold compensation to school board members and the superintendent for “failure to provide requested financial information.”

“We acknowledge that the district is working to identify strategic solutions for resolving the projected budget shortfalls,” Thurmond said in a Sept. 15 letter to district Superintendent Vince Matthews. “However, reductions have yet to be identified after a year of discussion.”

The letter was publicly released on the agenda for a special school board meeting scheduled for Tuesday on future budgeting processes.

The actions by the state are legally required given the anticipated shortfall over the next two years and lack of a plan to address it.

Typically, the county office of education would assume the fiscal oversight, but in San Francisco, the district and county office of education are combined.

The district has failed to submit a financial recovery plan as required by the state since July and the school board now has until Dec. 15 to approve a “fiscal stabilization plan” that will ensure they can pay their bills with an adequate reserve left over for fiscal years 2022-23 and 2023-24.