Newsom proves he wants to give welfare to the rich. An electric vehicle costs from $60-100,000, your insurance is 23% higher, you spend thousands to create a recharge station in your garage—real people can not afford this. Yet he wants to give the same $400 rebate to the millionaires as he gives to the grocery store clerks.
The good news is that the $400 will buy ONE meal, not including drinks, at the French Laundry. Please note the legislative Democrats are silent about this welfare for the rich—guess they want the billionaire’s donations.
Newsom to rebate $400 to each Electric Vehicle owner

Dr. Ron Stein, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 3/26/22
Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled a proposal March 23, 2022, to blunt California’s highest-in-the-nation gas prices by giving every vehicle owner in the state a $400 tax refund in the form of a debit card.
The debit cards would be mailed to the registered owners of vehicles, with a maximum of $800 per person for those who own more than one vehicle.
California had approximately 425,300 light-duty electric vehicle registrations in 2020.
The vehicle registration counts of all-electric vehicles (EVs) by state as of December 31, 2020, shows that California has the greatest number of EVs, approximately 42 percent of all EVs in the nation.
For most of the 425,300 EV owners, the EV is a second vehicle, thus the EV owners will most likely receive an $800 rebate.
For those that cannot afford a second vehicle, their rebate will be limited to$400 for the one registered in their name.