This has to be a joke. At a time when we can’t keep the lights on in California, $200 billion—NOT A TYPO—is being spent to create a high speed electric train to nowhere. If operational, it is so expensive they
Tag: Stephen Frank’s California Political News And Views
Presented by Stephen Frank
New attack on Proposition 13 involves racial inequity
Please read Proposition 13. Nowhere in the document, which is State law does it say that people of one color pay more or less property taxes than other people. The law is clear in re: the formula for property tax.
‘Queer All School Year’: Los Angeles School District Forces Gender Theory Into Classroom
This article is not about he the debate over LBTQ or whatever it is called these days. It is about the role of schools in education. Should government schools teach math, science, English and history without bias, just the facts?
Bialosky: Mr. Roberts, Where Are You?
We need a Chief Justice that is a leader, not a follower. Sadly. Justice Roberts has never been a leader, always looking to make everyone happy and compromise—even compromise the values of the Constitution. “Chief Justice John Roberts has expressed
California Touts Job Gains for Low-Paying, Minimum Wage Jobs
Newsom is proud that California has an unemployment rate 10% higher than the national average—4.2% vs. 3.8%. But when you dig into the facts, it is worse. ““California is touting job gains, and although they do give pretty solid statistics, what
UCLA professor quits job, says ‘woke takeover’ of education ‘intellectually corrupt’
Going to UCLA or Cal or UC San Diego is no different than going to a sensitivity training indoctrination session run by the Communist Party. No disagreements allowed, no discussions on the issues of the day. Instead one vision is
String of Bay Area Factories, Distribution Centers Shut Down This Week
This past week the Port of Oakland has been closed. Independent truckers, who will lose their businesses and trucks—and their freedom to work without paying bribes to unions, has been taken by the government via AB5. Now we find that
CalPERS Announces Preliminary Net Investment Return of -6.1% for the 2021-22 Fiscal Year
Once again CalPERS lost massive billions of dollars. And who pays? YOUR city, your County, your government agency that is a part of CalPERS. And who pays them? You do. You are going to be forced to make up the
Stein: Oil exporting and poorer countries have lower costs for gasoline
The “green” movement has little to do with the environment. It is instead a buzz word for socialists to kill off the economy of wealthy nations and put their population into poverty—needing government help to survive. The Biden policy is
San Jose has no plans to address vacant homes
You own a piece of property in San Jose. According to local officials you are anti-social and harming the community by not renting or selling it. So, they want to TAX you for keeping the house you own empty. Of