Did you hear about the Jones School district in Alabama—it just ruled that they will fire black teachers first. The Attorney General called them racist, Biden said all Federal funds will cease till this policy is overturned and those responsible are fired and jailed for hate crimes. Opps, my mistake, this was not in Alabama—it is in Minnesota—and it is white teachers to be fired because of their race, not black teachers.
Worse, Biden, the Attorney General and national Democrats are silent about this KKK type of blatant, open racism. To Democrats, hating white and Asian people is OK.
“The latest Minnesota Teachers Union contract stipulates that the white teachers will be laid off first.
This has nothing to do with seniority or quality of work. It is now all about skin color.
How progressive.
What they are saying is that white people should not apply to work as a teacher in this KKK agenda government school district. George Wallace would be proud of these bigots.
Minneapolis Teachers Union Contract Stipulates White Teachers to Be Laid Off First

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, 8/14/22
The craziest, most radical people in society are now teaching your kids.
Think of that?
The latest Minnesota Teachers Union contract stipulates that the white teachers will be laid off first.
This has nothing to do with seniority or quality of work. It is now all about skin color.
How progressive.
Alpha News reported:
A Minneapolis teachers union contract stipulates that white teachers will be laid off or reassigned before “educators of color” in the event Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) needs to reduce staff.
After the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) and MPS struck a deal on March 25 to end a 14-day teacher strike, the two sides drew up and ratified a new collective bargaining agreement complete with various proposals.
One of the proposals dealt with “educators of color protections.” The agreement states that if a non-white teacher is subject to excess, MPS must excess a white teacher with the “next least” seniority.
“Starting with the Spring 2023 Budget Tie-Out Cycle, if excessing a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented among licensed teachers in the site, the District shall excess the next least senior teacher, who is not a member of an underrepresented population,” the agreement reads.
According to the United Federation of Teachers, “excessing” means “reducing staff in a particular school when there is a reduction in the number of available positions in a title or license area in that school.”