Temecula councilmember compares fight against coronavirus mask rules to Rosa Parks’ struggle

The Little League says that those that do not take an experimental vaccine, that has killed 3500 people, will not be allowed to participate in the World Series for Little Leaguers.  Businesses are saying you must wear a mask if you want to shop, even though it has been proven to be worthless and in the case of the young and elderly could be dangerous.  Airlines are refusing to transport people that do not keep their mask on during the whole flight—though they know due to the ventilation system—and the scientific facts—the masks are not needed.  On one flight a family was thrown off, since the two year old was eating yogurt and not wearing a mask.

“Critics said Jessica Alexander’s comments, including “I’m getting pushed to the back of the bus,” were insensitive and historically ignorant. Her remarks came during the council’s April 13 meeting during a discussion about whether the council should hold virtual meetings until June, when California aims to end most COVID-19 restrictions.”

In fact, all people that believe in science, that do not want to take a drug that has proven to be deadly, are being pushed to the back of the bus, government is bullying them with ridiculous TV ads and misleading statements—led by the Liar In Chief, Anthony Fauci, who hasn’t said a true word in the past year.  It is time to sit up front and put the power hungry and the crazies off the bus—it would be safer for everyone.

Temecula councilmember compares fight against coronavirus mask rules to Rosa Parks’ struggle

By Jeff Horseman, Allyson Escobar,| The Press-Enterprise, 4/23/21  

A Temecula councilmember is facing a backlash after comparing the refusal to wear a mask to prevent the coronavirus to civil rights hero Rosa Parks’ fight against racial segregation.

Critics said Jessica Alexander’s comments, including “I’m getting pushed to the back of the bus,” were insensitive and historically ignorant. Her remarks came during the council’s April 13 meeting during a discussion about whether the council should hold virtual meetings until June, when California aims to end most COVID-19 restrictions.

Alexander did not respond to requests for comment Friday, April 23.

The council was divided on whether to meet in person, with some citing safety concerns, and others saying they were restricted by virtual meetings and wearing masks.

Toward the end of the discussion, Alexander mentioned Parks, a Black woman who in 1955 refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus to accommodate a White man. Parks’ arrest led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott and eventually, a court ruling that banned racial segregation on buses.

“Look at Rosa Parks … She finally took a stand and moved to the front, because she knew that that wasn’t lawful. It wasn’t true,” Alexander said, according to a videotape of the meeting. “So she took a stand. At what point in time do we? … I’m getting pushed to the back of the bus. This is what I’m telling you I feel like.”

Alexander added that she “cannot” and “will not” wear a mask.

“So it’s not that I want to be disrespectful,” she said. “But the fact of the matter is when is enough enough?”

The meeting ended shortly after the comments from Alexander, who has been bringing up the issue of virtual versus in-person meetings since March.

Councilmembers did not respond to requests Friday to comment on Alexander’s remarks. The council voted 4-1, with Alexander opposed, to continue with virtual public meetings and revisit the issue in June.

Local civil rights leaders and others took Alexander to task for equating mask-wearing with the struggle for racial equality.

Corey Jackson, political action chair for the Riverside chapter of the NAACP, said Alexander’s comments show that “unfortunately, people don’t understand their history and she clearly missed the whole point about Rosa Parks and twisted it for her own political reasons.”

“Not being treated as a human being or (being treated as) a second-class citizen is totally different from a universal measure to protect lives,” he said.

In an email, Tisa Rodriguez, chairwoman of the Riverside County Democratic Party, said: “Being asked to choose between wearing a mask or the privilege of sitting comfortably in your office during public meetings is not at all the same as the incredibly difficult sacrifices Rosa Parks and so many others made to fight for the rights to vote and live free of institutionalized segregation.”

“Many lives have been lost both during the pandemic, and in service of the struggle for civil rights,” she said. “It is unconscionable that a duly elected city council member would malign their memories in such a self-serving way.”

Julie Geary of Temecula Unity, which seeks to improve police interaction with people of color, promote equity and uplift people of color’s voices, posted a “call to action” on Facebook from the group demanding the city council “(call) out this abhorrent behavior.”

It’s not the first time a Temecula councilmember’s race-related comments have drawn outrage.

In June, James “Stew” Stewart, then Temecula’s mayor, resigned after writing in an email he didn’t “believe there’s ever been a good person of color killed by a police officer.”

At the time, Stewart said he dictates messages because he has dyslexia and the word “good” was accidentally added to the email. After apologizing and saying he met with Black residents and educated himself, Stewart ran for the council again and was elected in November.

Alexander, a business owner, ex-New York Police Department officer and Marine Corps veteran, was elected in November to the council’s District 2 seat, which represents central Temecula.

She helped organize a protest Nov. 1 at City Hall that featured discussion on topics such as “family, education, abortion, dehumanization, false social fear, defending the police, Socialism, Marxism, and Communism followed by prayer vigil,” a protest news release stated.

Compared to Riverside County as a whole, Temecula, a city of roughly 114,000, is less diverse, according to 2019 census data. About 52% of city residents are White, compared to 34% for the entire county, while Black residents make up just 4.6% of Temecula residents; countywide, Black residents account for 7.3% of the population.

Temecula also is more conservative politically. While Democrats make up a plurality of Riverside County registered voters, Republicans currently hold a 9-percentage-point edge in Temecula’s voter registration, Donald Trump won the city in 2016 and 2020 and the city’s Duck Pond is a frequent site of conservative rallies.

In summer, Temecula was the scene of Black Lives Matter protests, including a large rally that marched to City Hall. Protesters called attention to people of color killed by police, including 18-year-old Matthew Tucker in Temecula in 2016.

In August, Temecula council members voted 4-0 to denounce bigotry. The city last year created a seven-member Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission to review and make recommendations about city events, services, and policies.