Congrats to Mayor Bass—your city is about to be overrun by illegal aliens—and YOU invited them. Your city has a crime, homeless and drug problem. If you are as “lucky” as New York, you will have 100,000 new residents—that you need to house, feed, educate, cloth and give free health care to. That while tens of thousands of Americans are on the streets homeless. The bad news is that since you approve of no cash bail, these criminals will be protected by your police!
“Spokespeople for organizations that comprise the L.A. Welcomes Collective – which include the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) and the Central American Resource Center of Los Angeles (CARECEN) among others – said that each bus with migrants is treated with open arms, and this one is no different.
- “With each bus that arrives to our city, we are reminded that many of our brothers and sisters around the world are suffering,” said Michael Donaldson, Senior Director of the Office of Life, Justice and Peace for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. “We are called to welcome them with love and dignity as they seek a safer life and will continue to do so as long as necessary.”
As the illegal alien buses come to Los Angeles, watch as U-Hauls leave town. This is another destroyed city—Karl Marx would be proud.
Tenth bus of migrants from Texas arrives in Los Angeles

by: Will Conybeare, KTLA, 8/26/23
The 10th bus full of migrants arrived in Los Angeles on Saturday morning.
According to a release from the L.A. Welcomes Collective – which is a network of immigrant rights and legal services providers, faith organizations, and city and county officials – the bus arrived at Union Station just after 11 a.m. from Brownsville, Texas and included 12 families, among them 21 children and 19 adults.
The youngest members of the group are a 5-month-old boy and a set of twins under the age of two, the L.A. Welcomes Collective said. The oldest member of the group is 52 years old.
The asylum seekers are from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Peru and Venezuela.
Spokespeople for organizations that comprise the L.A. Welcomes Collective – which include the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) and the Central American Resource Center of Los Angeles (CARECEN) among others – said that each bus with migrants is treated with open arms, and this one is no different.
- “With each bus that arrives to our city, we are reminded that many of our brothers and sisters around the world are suffering,” said Michael Donaldson, Senior Director of the Office of Life, Justice and Peace for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. “We are called to welcome them with love and dignity as they seek a safer life and will continue to do so as long as necessary.”
L.A. Welcomes Collective officials also emphasized the importance of having compassion for the migrants amid political tension regarding immigration policy.
“Working with states and local jurisdictions to accommodate the influx of asylum seekers and refugees requires smart, humane and compassionate leadership,” CHIRLA Executive Director Angelica Salas said. “Showing discontent with federal immigration policies in no way justifies Governor Abbott placing children and families in a path to more danger, suffering and heartbreak.”
A spokesperson for Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass confirmed the arrival of the bus in a statement, saying that they activated their welcome plan on Friday upon learning that the bus would arrive on Saturday.