Texans are a real breed. They are not whiners or people that give excuses. They take care of themselves.
That is why they are not afraid of terrorist (though they are upset that Biden is letting in hundreds of thousands of criminals in their State every year. Now, the legislature has passed a bill to deport these criminals.
Want to be safe? Go to Texas, where almost every citizens is able to protect the community
Texans Strangely Unconcerned About Global Day Of Jihad

BabylonBee.com, 10/13/23 https://babylonbee.com/news/texans-strangely-unconcerned-about-global-day-of-jihad?utm_source=The%20Babylon%20Bee%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email
SWEETWATER, TX — As the rest of the world sits on edge due to the leader of the terrorist organization Hamas calling for a global day of jihad, residents of the state of Texas seemed entirely unconcerned.
“Global day of what now?” asked native Texan Barry Windham as he wiped his freshly oiled AR-15 with a rag. “Not sure I’m familiar with that term. Out here, we don’t really listen to all the stuff going on everywhere else. We’ll let everyone else get all wrapped up in that. Anyway…you ever see what happens to a cantaloupe when you hit it dead-on from about 10 yards away?”
Citizens throughout Texas towns were seen calmly going about their normal business, enjoying the early fall sun, and showing absolutely no worry about the threat of radical Islamic terrorists striking at any moment. “Oh, I think they know better than that,” said Stan Hansen with a smile as he loaded his 12-gauge shotgun with buckshot shells. “There’s a reason you see that type of thing happen in places where folks aren’t allowed to own massive arsenals that take up several rooms of their homes. Those terrorists may want to die, but they apparently don’t want to die badly enough to come to Texas. We’ll make it happen for ‘em!”
At publishing time, no Texan had been found who was willing to provide an argument for being worried about any danger, with everyone instead opting to continue spending their time going from browsing at gun stores to visiting barbecue restaurants for lunch before going to shop at other gun stores.
ANYONE here in this country on a work or student visa that supports Hamas, or any other terrorist organization should be deported!!!!! This won’t happen in Commiefornia…………