Los Angeles is a dangerous joke. A crime wave makes it unsafe to leave your home or stay in your home. The city is run by gangs, the drug cartels and corrupt politicians. The police no longer arrest criminals because the DA will not prosecute them. Like Chicago every Monday there is a report on the shootings and killings from over the weekend. Yet, these defenders of criminals think Texas is a dangerous place!
“”The Texas miracle died in Uvalde. Don’t move to Texas,” the billboard reads.
A photo of the billboard warning California residents about moving to the Lone Star State was posted to Reddit on Thursday. The billboard, which does not appear to promote a company or website, shows a photo of a hooded man with sunglasses and an exed-out “Don’t Mess with Texas” slogan.
The post on Reddit’s Los Angeles forum follows several others showing and/or asking about similar billboards in other parts of California, including San Francisco. The post was also shared on Reddit’s Texas page.
As we now know the Uvalde tragedy was caused by a weak police response and the refusal of law enforcement, at the beginning of the shooting to take out the gunner. In comparison it is safer in Uvalde today that Los Angeles—in Uvalde citizens are allowed to carry a weapon to protect themselves—in Los Angeles unless you are rich enough to hire a bodyguard, you are a sitting duck for the criminals.
Texas miracle died in Uvalde’: Billboard in Los Angeles warns residents not to move to Texas

Shepard Price, San Antonio Express News, 8/18/22
A billboard in Los Angeles uses the mass shooting in Uvalde as a way to discourage Californians from moving to Texas.
“The Texas miracle died in Uvalde. Don’t move to Texas,” the billboard reads.
A photo of the billboard warning California residents about moving to the Lone Star State was posted to Reddit on Thursday. The billboard, which does not appear to promote a company or website, shows a photo of a hooded man with sunglasses and an exed-out “Don’t Mess with Texas” slogan.
The post on Reddit’s Los Angeles forum follows several others showing and/or asking about similar billboards in other parts of California, including San Francisco. The post was also shared on Reddit’s Texas page.
Reactions to the post have been mixed.
“Pretty (expletive) evil to use the death of children to promote your agenda, no matter what it is,” one Reddit user, Darnitol1, commented on the Texas post.
“It’s us, isn’t it,” another user, mSoGood08, wrote. “It’s Texas that’s paying for that billboard to deter Californians from moving here. I wouldn’t put it past us.”
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The “Texas Miracle” referenced on the billboard is a reference to the Texas regulatory and political system that helped the state escape some of the most “severe shocks” of the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009, according to Texas Monthly. The reference started with former Gov. Rick Perry, who coined the phrase in 2011 during his presidential run.
Uvalde was the site of a mass shooting on May 24, where 19 students and two teachers were killed at Robb Elementary.
According to Houston TV station KHOU, more than 161,000 former California residents moved to Texas from 2018 to 2021, with 11,244 of those settling in Bexar County. More Californians moved to Texas than from any other state during that time.