While the children in Red sates are now safer, children in Blue States are in more danger.
“The primary benefits of these measures are obvious and immediate — innocent children are protected from loony adults who seek to groom them into mental illness and medicalization when they are too young to know better, and normal people can go about their business free of social bullying. But the secondary benefits are proving to be just as important: freeloading freaks and their enablers are fleeing Florida.
GoFundMes are springing up as child-abusing ideologues and delusional individuals who sop up public medical money seek to relocate. “An overwhelming majority of my family is transgender,” writes one mentally confused child warper (what an incredible coincidence!), “and Desantis is making it illegal for us to pee in public restrooms, and legal for the state to seize my children, and a variety of other scary stuff.” No, what’s scary is you raising your children in a state of unreality and pumping them full of unstudied chemicals and doing God knows what else to their healthy bodies.
The better news is that families with children are fleeing Blue States, to protect their children. That means Blue States will harm fewer kids.
Red State Child Protection Laws Pay Dividends as Freeloading Freaks Self-Deport

BY ATHENA THORNE, PJ Media, 7/29/23 https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/athena-thorne/2023/07/29/red-state-child-protection-laws-pay-dividends-as-freeloading-freaks-self-deport-n1714469
As red states continue to pass common-sense, pro-freedom laws, their quality of life improves in countless ways. Accordingly, they’ve become prime destinations for Americans seeking freedom to prosper, create, worship, and raise children in a wholesome environment. But conservative laws are also producing a secondary benefit: disgruntled Leftists are packing their stuff and self-deporting to bluer pastures.
Naturally, a prime example of this splendid secondary effect is Florida. The Sunshine State has become the friendliest possible territory for common-sense conservatives. Its stalwart conservative governor and proactive state legislature have been working hand-in-glove to eradicate the worst aspects of progressivism and nullify the effects of radical-Left federal diktats.
Obamacare authorizes tax dollars to be spent on sex-change body modifications? Okay, whatever — Florida has banned the use of Medicaid to pay for it (currently tied up in court) and outlawed such medical treatments for minors. The state has also criminalized the practice of educators brainwashing young children into believing it’s natural for human beings to randomly change their “gender.” And normal people are protected from the sexual harassment of being forced to share intimate spaces with members of the opposite sex.
The primary benefits of these measures are obvious and immediate — innocent children are protected from loony adults who seek to groom them into mental illness and medicalization when they are too young to know better, and normal people can go about their business free of social bullying. But the secondary benefits are proving to be just as important: freeloading freaks and their enablers are fleeing Florida.
GoFundMes are springing up as child-abusing ideologues and delusional individuals who sop up public medical money seek to relocate. “An overwhelming majority of my family is transgender,” writes one mentally confused child warper (what an incredible coincidence!), “and Desantis is making it illegal for us to pee in public restrooms, and legal for the state to seize my children, and a variety of other scary stuff.” No, what’s scary is you raising your children in a state of unreality and pumping them full of unstudied chemicals and doing God knows what else to their healthy bodies.
The beleaguered parent has a plan: “So we’re selling our house and fleeing the state. We’re moving to a place that means we’ll need to rent for a bit which means we need move in money and travel money. I set the goal a little higher in case it gets taxed Funky but literally any help is appreciated!” Were I a Florida resident, I’d gladly chip in. Normal parents rejoice as schools empty of disturbing disturbed children whose presence is upsetting to healthy kids.
To be clear: this is not a criticism of transed kids, but of the adults who manipulate and lead astray innocent, trusting children when they are too young to know better. Anyone with a heart is distraught at the sight of these kids — emotional wrecks who can’t even deal with the most basic objective truths. Naturally, regular children are upset by the sight of these unhappy peers, too. No one likes to see an abused kid walking around, especially one who doesn’t even realize s/he’s being abused. It is nothing but good if young children are able to go to school and socialize without being confronted by such things.
As Florida works to stop Medicaid funds from being used for trans-fantasy body modifications, adults are also packing their things. One crowdfunder writes, “I’m a 20-year-old trans woman currently living in Tampa, FL. As many are aware, Florida grows increasingly hostile toward trans folk and laws are expanding to prevent people like me from receiving life-saving gender-affirming health care, such as ones seen in FL SB 254.” It is common for Leftists to lie about Florida laws, but consenting adults are not prohibited from disfiguring themselves. The issue is that, in Florida, they may have to pay for it themselves — just as anyone who wants a nose job, body sculpting, or tats has to pay for their vanity procedures themselves, too. “Gender-affirming care” remains the only cosmetic procedure that the medical establishment refers to as “life-saving,” and for which it procures public money. But not for much longer in Florida, if they can help it.
Gov. Abbott’s Texas similarly enjoys an exodus of the bluest of the blues. In a November 2022 article, New York magazine detailed the red reasons Leftists were fleeing the Lone Star state:
As the pandemic raged, Governor Greg Abbott banned municipalities including Austin from implementing COVID measures such as mask mandates. … That summer, Abbott codified permitless carry and further restricted voting access. This past February, he ordered investigations into the parents of trans children for child abuse. By June, when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Texas was ten months ahead, having already effectively banned abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest and topped it with a $10,000 reward for informants.
“It’s like how a frog boils one degree at a time,” [John] Stettin said. “They trigger-banned all abortion and they’re offering a bounty! What more do you need if you are a remotely liberal person to get the f*** out of here?” His destination was Massachusetts. “At least if I’m going to get into an argument with a guy in Boston,” he said, “he’s probably not carrying an AR-15 in his trunk.”
This summer, that anxiety pervaded a stratum of liberal Austin, namely women, LGBTQ+ folks, parents, and people of color who fear a future in Texas and have the means to escape. The overturning of Roe seemed to remove the last obstacle in the state’s march to the far right…
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Lefties!
In truth, the in-migration of sane, productive, freedom-loving people to the red states far outweighs the population they lose to blue flight. Even better, as anxiety-wracked people who identify as victims seek bluer pastures in which to fly their freak flags, quality of life will only continue to improve for the normals who remain. No one is sad to see fewer divisive, destabilizing socialists in their neighborhood. Red soil is becoming infertile indeed for the seeds of Marxist-Maoist social disruption to take root.
While Leftist globalists currently hold the executive branch and upper chamber, one happy result is that federalism is alive and well. It’s sad to see the once United States dividing itself into the Free States and the People’s Republic of America, but the upshot is that there remain vibrant, prosperous repositories of what made America great to begin with.