This is a very important lawsuit. If the Attorney General wins, you lose your freedom of speech. If he wins, the government will determine what is hate speech. So, if you oppose the government using tax dollars to create racism in the schools, that could be hate speech. Want to support school choice and parental empowerment, that is hate speech.
“You may be asking, “Isn’t controlling misinformation and hate speech online a good thing?” The truth of the matter is that the government and Big Tech companies working together to control what everyone is allowed to say is a bad thing. A good thing is when everyone is allowed to speak freely. Not everyone’s definitions of “misinformation” or “hate speech” are the same. In the case of our work at The Babylon Bee, jokes and satire are often incorrectly cited as examples of misinformation or hateful conduct by organizations and government agencies who think our views don’t fit their prescribed narrative. When people in power don’t like what you have to say, they can use that power to categorize your speech as “hateful,” even if what you’re saying is factually accurate.”
Oppose government teachers transistioning your child, without telling you and you sue—that is hate speech. This may be the most important Constitutional lawsuit of our time, along with Dobbs and Second Amendment cases.
The Babylon Bee Is Suing The Attorney General Of California

Seth Dillon, Babylon Bee, 4/12/23
Dear Loyal Bee Reader, It should be evident to everyone by now that, despite jokes being our bread and butter, The Babylon Bee takes free speech and fighting censorship seriously. That is why we’ve filed a lawsuit against California’s Attorney General to stop the enforcement of its new censorship law. The state of California passed a law in 2022 that imposes new regulations on social media companies. This law, AB 587, requires companies to give the California Attorney General’s Office regular reports regarding disinformation, misinformation, extremism, radicalization, and hate speech. The law allows the state to impose fines if companies do not comply with these reporting regulations. You may be asking, “Isn’t controlling misinformation and hate speech online a good thing?” The truth of the matter is that the government and Big Tech companies working together to control what everyone is allowed to say is a bad thing. A good thing is when everyone is allowed to speak freely. Not everyone’s definitions of “misinformation” or “hate speech” are the same. In the case of our work at The Babylon Bee, jokes and satire are often incorrectly cited as examples of misinformation or hateful conduct by organizations and government agencies who think our views don’t fit their prescribed narrative. When people in power don’t like what you have to say, they can use that power to categorize your speech as “hateful,” even if what you’re saying is factually accurate. |
This law is not about keeping social media companies transparent — it’s about censorship. The state of California, along with other government entities and Big Tech firms, is seeking to use censorship to protect their preferred narrative. We believe this is a violation of the First Amendment and we — along with our co-plaintiffs Tim Pool and Minds — are taking California to court to fight it. In times like these, your support is crucial. If you have not taken the step to become a paid supporter of The Babylon Bee, now is the time. Each paid member helps us keep fighting these attempts to control what we can and can’t say. Free speech — even when it comes to satire and jokes — is a vital pillar of our nation. Standing up for this fundamental right is something we will never back away from. With your help, we will continue fighting these battles in and out of the courtroom, in any way we can. Click here to view our subscription plans and sign up to offer your support. If you are already a paid subscriber and would like to support us out in our fight, you can make a one-time contribution here. |