The bigot Vice President now wants to use the Bible as an excuse to force people to take an experimental drug—a drug which doctors will not or cannot tell those who take it what the risks are. VP Harris wants to force young males to take this drug, though it is now known it causes heart problems in the short and long term. Of course Congress passed a law making government and the drug companies immune from lawsuit for the death and destruction in its wake.
“Vice President Kamala Harris urged supporters to get the vax because the Bible says so.
These dirty people only quote the Bible when they want to push their far-left agenda.Kamala Harris: I do believe that that act of getting vaccinated is the very essence of what the Bible tells us when it says love thy neighbor. Right? Because what we know is, one can ask, “Who is one’s neighbor?” Is it the person who lives to my left, lives to my right? I know them, may borrow a cup of sugar. Right? But what we know it means when we talk about love thy neighbor.
The Bible also says to not screw a married man but that didn’t stop you, did it?
The bible also says do not kill—but she supports the genocide of the black race by Planned Parenthood. What a hypocrite.
Wow. Vice President Kamala Harris Says to Get the Vax Because the Bible Says So (Video)

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, 7/20/21
Vice President Kamala Harris urged supporters to get the vax because the Bible says so.
These dirty people only quote the Bible when they want to push their far-left agenda.
Kamala Harris: I do believe that that act of getting vaccinated is the very essence of what the Bible tells us when it says love thy neighbor. Right? Because what we know is, one can ask, “Who is one’s neighbor?” Is it the person who lives to my left, lives to my right? I know them, may borrow a cup of sugar. Right? But what we know it means when we talk about love thy neighbor.
The Bible also says to not screw a married man but that didn’t stop you, did it?
Mayor Willie Brownand his mistress Kamala Harris. Willie Brown is still married to his wife Blanche Vitero. They have three children. Blanche Vitero Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted this week to an extramarital affair with Kamala Harris. Brown also admitted to giving Harris her first state jobs. In a short article in the … Continue reading