Who said American elections were honest? We know that machines are easily hacked. Ballot harvested, by the luggage full is documented. In Maricopa County Arizona they limited the number of paper ballots in Republicans areas—forcing folks to wait in line up to SEVEN hours to vote. Now we find the Democrats have been laundering money in a BIG way.
“Candice Owen reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that their findings confirmed what TGP and Candice Owen reported:
Thousand Currents was allegedly a non-profit organization and Susan Rosenberg served on its Board. Susan Rosenberg was a member of the Weather Underground terrorist group, which included Obama friend Bill Ayers. President Bill Clinton gave her a pardon on his last day in office.
So in summary contributions to BLM were funneled through ActBlue, the major resource for Democrat donations, and then funneled to at least one organization run by a member of a domestic terrorist group.
In early 2020 FOX News reported that half of all donations to ActBlue in 2019 came from “untraceable, unemployed donors.”
Hundreds of millions of illegal money was laundered—all going to the Democrats. Where was the FEC?
By Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, 4/3/23

This report brings together corrupt and criminal actions by the Democrat Party ignored by the GOP, the mainstream media, and law enforcement.
In 2020 millions were reportedly donated to BLM after George Floyd was killed. At the same time, 20+ police were killed and American cities suffered nearly $2 billion in record damages following the George Floyd riots.
The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group. ActBlue is the Democrats’ funding apparatus. We know this from our early reporting and from the fact that BLM later admitted this. In 2022 Black Lives Matter announced in February 2022 that the organization was deactivating its fundraising pages on ActBlue. This was after the Washington Examiner exposed that BLM was still accepting donations on the Democratic platform despite claiming it had stopped amid questions about its finances.
The Daily Caller confirmed that ActBlue was using BLM to raise money. BLM is not a recognized non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services’ to BLM.
Candice Owen reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that their findings confirmed what TGP and Candice Owen reported:
Thousand Currents was allegedly a non-profit organization and Susan Rosenberg served on its Board. Susan Rosenberg was a member of the Weather Underground terrorist group, which included Obama friend Bill Ayers. President Bill Clinton gave her a pardon on his last day in office.
So in summary contributions to BLM were funneled through ActBlue, the major resource for Democrat donations, and then funneled to at least one organization run by a member of a domestic terrorist group.
In early 2020 FOX News reported that half of all donations to ActBlue in 2019 came from “untraceable, unemployed donors.”
A preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund, obtained exclusively by Fox News, has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed.
“After downloading hundreds of millions of [dollars in] donations to the Take Back Action Fund servers, we were shocked to see that almost half of the donations to ActBlue in 2019 claimed to be unemployed individuals,” he said. “The name of employers must be disclosed when making political donations, but more than 4.7 million donations came from people who claimed they did not have an employer. Those 4.7 million donations totaled $346 million ActBlue raised and sent to liberal causes.”
Action Fund’s President John Pudner had this to say regarding the finding:
“It is hard to believe that at a time when the U.S. unemployment rate was less than 4 percent, that unemployed people had $346 million dollars to send to ActBlue for liberal causes,” Pudner said, adding that “4.7 million donations from people without a job … raised serious concerns.”
Shortly after the report in FOX News, TGP reported that according to Real Clear Politics, ActBlue cannot confirm if donations to its website are US or foreign donations:
“When Take Back Our Republic first pointed out in 2015 that foreign interests could potentially use gift cards to flood money in through ActBlue’s unverified credit card system, more than 100 members of Congress stopped using the system and 31 Democrats joined 52 Republicans in trying to outlaw the practice,” said John Pudner, president of Take Back Action Fund.
“It took vendors only a few hours to change their setup to allow the banks to verify if donations were really from Americans,” Pudner added. “Unfortunately, as things turned harshly partisan after Trump’s election, ActBlue doubled down and moved more and more candidates onto an unverified system at a time when intelligence officials are warning that foreign interests want to impact who wins our elections. TBAF asks ActBlue to join the hundreds who have stopped using this system.”
TGP also reported that ActBlue Texas was caught paying out small sums to hundreds of individuals for unknown purposes.
Per a review of ActBlue Texas disbursements via the website TransparencyUSA.org, there are hundreds of individuals being paid by ActBlue Texas for similar small amounts (e.g. $300 or $250) who are not candidates running for office. In total, ActBlue Texas has paid out $9.6 million in disbursements. We have no idea who most these people are.