The Progressive s are now claiming that a white girl, killed by the Nazis was a person of white privilege. This shows how mentally ill the Left has become—they are a danger to themselves and society.
“The idea that Anne Frank was a recipient of “white privilege” is so insane as to seem like parody, but I can assure you that the left is full of people who think like this. In fact, you may recall “The View”s Whoopi Goldberg making the same argument some months ago, arguing that Hitler wasn’t racist because the Holocaust was “white people doing it to white people.” She later tried to insinuate that the Holocaust wasn’t equivalent to historical racism against black people because Jews could hide behind the fact that they were white.
Why is the hatemonger Whoopi Goldberg allowed on TV? To make these arguments is vicious and hateful. As Dr. Walter Williams would say, “She is a member of the Klan in Tan.”
The Discussion of Holocaust Victim Anne Frank’s ‘White Privilege’ Has Begun

By Bonchie, Red State, 7/10/22
Just when you thought things in our society can’t get dumber, the woke left set their beers down and somehow manage to top themselves. OK, no one actually thought things couldn’t get dumber, but you get the idea.
Anne Frank, a victim of the Holocaust and whose diary has had a profound impact on millions of lives, is now being accused of having possessed “white privilege.” Yes, a young girl who was killed in one of Hiter’s death camps was apparently part of the oppressive class because she had white skin and her dad owned a business.
This wasn’t just a fringe thing either. It actually trended on Twitter and caught the attention of TMZ.
The idea that Anne Frank was a recipient of “white privilege” is so insane as to seem like parody, but I can assure you that the left is full of people who think like this. In fact, you may recall “The View”s Whoopi Goldberg making the same argument some months ago, arguing that Hitler wasn’t racist because the Holocaust was “white people doing it to white people.” She later tried to insinuate that the Holocaust wasn’t equivalent to historical racism against black people because Jews could hide behind the fact that they were white.
The toxicity of woke intersectionality truly knows no bounds. The idea of generic racial “privilege” has always been stupid. Aspects of privilege span all races and are highly dependent on each individual’s personal situation. Yes, the color of one’s skin could be a factor, but there are dozens of other factors that are rarely considered and are often far more important in modern society.
Returning to Anne Frank, she was a Jewish child who lived in a time when her people were seen as subhuman, and they were subject to extermination by evil men. How shallow and sad must one’s life be to try to claim she was “privileged” in order to make themselves seem like more of a victim? And in almost every case, those who stoop to such idiocy are themselves highly privileged, whether they want to admit it or not.
Antisemitism is alive and well in our society, and it should be shunned and mocked. Unfortunately, the woke left making victimhood into a currency is only exasperating it.