The Fundamentals are Corrupted: Is the California Experiment Over?

Katy Grimes has done a great job in defining government in California:

“Politicians mouthed the words the people wanted to hear, but did the opposite once in elected office because they were now unencumbered by actual public policy that helps the public function, and could focus on pet social policy projects – LGBTQ entitlements, reparations, trans kids, drag nuns and drag queen shows in public schools, dumbing down public education, labor union dominance, climate and environmental programs, environmental justice, using disadvantaged communities.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in the Department of Education, destroying California’s once top-in-the-nation public education system. Public education has become indoctrination, and graduates are largely ignorant and gratuitously opinionated, unqualified for any job requiring critical thinking and basic math and English skills.”

Now we know the cause of the NEWSOM enhanced DOOM LOOP.

The Fundamentals are Corrupted: Is the California Experiment Over?

Is there a path through purgatory into Paradise?

By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 6/20/24

If you feel as if California has descended into Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell, you’d be right. The fundamentals are corrupted.

California’s Democrat politicians – everyone from the governor down to the most ardent leftists on local city councils – have abdicated their governing responsibilities to state and local agencies, leaving politicians free to pass dangerous social and environmental justice legislation, which only serves to destroy what is left of the California experiment, once known lovingly as the California Dream.

Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell describe California’s descent into hell: Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, Treachery. Is there a path through purgatory into Paradise?

We the people have largely allowed this by voting for the politicians who promised bread and circuses instead of functioning public schools, public health and safety, maintained roads and highways, abundant energy and water, property rights, lower taxes, and public safety through ample police departments.

And the further away the people find themselves from participating in government, the worse the rot has become. Notably, most of the state’s Democrat politicians – many who are Marxists and Socialists – have been driven to distraction by social and emotional causes, rather than governing and policymaking.

Politicians mouthed the words the people wanted to hear, but did the opposite once in elected office because they were now unencumbered by actual public policy that helps the public function, and could focus on pet social policy projects – LGBTQ entitlements, reparations, trans kids, drag nuns and drag queen shows in public schools, dumbing down public education, labor union dominance, climate and environmental programs, environmental justice, using disadvantaged communities.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in the Department of Education, destroying California’s once top-in-the-nation public education system. Public education has become indoctrination, and graduates are largely ignorant and gratuitously opinionated, unqualified for any job requiring critical thinking and basic math and English skills.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in the California Coastal Commission, eroding property rights.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) stealing old water rights from property owners with wells on their property.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in the California Air Resources Board, destroying entire industries in the name of clean air – manufacturing, trucking, passenger autos, appliances, among many others.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in the State Water Resources Control Board, killing off California farmers by denying water, sending 50% of California’s water to the ocean in unimpaired flows for “environmental” purposes, resulting in entire Central Valley towns without water, and threats of rationing to urban water users.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in the California Dept. of Fish and Game, which can’t seem to figure out how to save the salmon in their habitat, instead shutting down the sport fishing industry.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in the California Department of Public Health, which helped shut down the entire state during Covid, mandating healthy people “shelter in place,” wear masks, and take the shot if they wanted to get back to running their businesses, jobs and schools.

Unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats were suddenly running the show behind the scenes in the California Public Utilities Commission which voted to let the state’s big investor-owned utilities add a fixed charge of $24.13 per month to people’s power bills each month to pay for installing and maintaining the equipment necessary to transmit electricity to homes – equipment ratepayers assumed utility companies already have and maintain.

There are many more state agencies and local agencies filled with unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats running government into the ground – second only to elected politicians who are turning the American system of government into an “elective despotism.”

A final example is the California Democrats so disturbed right now that the proposed ballot initiative to End Proposition 47 will qualify for the November 2024 ballot, they and Gov. Newsom are trying to deprive Californians of this opportunity to make crime illegal again. Newsom is trying to hijack the initiative with a “poison pill” that would repeal other public safety laws as punishment for passing it.

California Governor Gavin Newsom is one of the corrupt elitists, part of the ruthless, sadistic ruling class, beholden to the UN, EU, WEF, WHO and China. He doesn’t govern California for the people; he is helping to destroy it.

But everything here is policy – bad policy, but policy can be overturned and new, healthier policies can be put in place. It will take new politicians and a re-engaged electorate.

It is notable that  Latin mottos are centrally displayed in the both chambers of the California Legislature:

In the Assembly says, LEGISLATORUM JUSTAS LEGES CONDERE , which translates to “It is the duty of legislators to make just laws;”


In the Senate it says, EST CIVITATIS LIBERTATEM TUERI, meaning “It is the duty of a Senator to guard the liberty of the Commonwealth.”

In 1785, Thomas Jefferson warned that it would only be a matter of time before the American system of government degenerated into an “elective despotism;” he was afraid that democracy might turn into a form of despotism. This has proven to be correct.

The Online Liberty Library has Jefferson’s writings:

Presidents, Kings, Tyrants, & Despots

Mankind soon learn to make interested uses of every right and power which they possess, or may assume. The public money and public liberty, intended to have been deposited with three branches of magistracy, but found inadvertently to be in the hands of one only, will soon be discovered to be sources of wealth and dominion to those who hold them… They [the assembly] should look forward to a time, and that not a distant one, when a corruption in this, as in the country from which we derive our origin, will have seized the heads of government, and be spread by them through the body of the people; when they will purchase the voices of the people, and make them pay the price. Human nature is the same on every side of the Atlantic, and will be alike influenced by the same causes.

The time to guard against corruption and tyranny, is before they shall have gotten hold of us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold, than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered.

~ Thomas Jefferson

UPDATE: The California Supreme Court announced Thursday morning it has removed the Taxpayer Protection Act from the ballot at Gov. Gavin Newsom’s request. This Proposition would have subjected any tax increase to a vote of the people.

“Two of Newsom’s top priorities – increasing taxes and silencing voters – just got a major boost,” said Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA).