The Great Gavin Newsom Experiment: Does a White (Hetero!) Man Have a Future in the Democratic Party?

Yes, Trump has ended DEI in government, education and the private sector.  One area where he has no authority is how political parties are run.  The Democrats have not ended DEI.  Instead they have doubled down on racism, discrimination and bigotry.  Can Gavin Newsom survive in the “hate white people” Party?

“Which means, Gavin Newsom has a wide-open lane: he’s the white hetero Christian male! (Rahm Emanuel and Josh Shapiro, alas, have the wrong religious affiliation for today’s Democratsoy vey!)

To elevate his national profile, he launched the “This Is Gavin Newsom” podcast in late February. And his guest list is 100% not what you’d expect. Typically, when a Democrat has presidential aspirations, you’d expect him to book podcast guests with liberal thought leaders — people such as Obama, Oprah, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, or Rachel Maddow. That would be the smartest, fastest way to not only communicate to your base that you’re “one of them,” but to also let them know that all the top thought-leaders believe in you, too.

Looks like the division in the Democrat Party is growing. 

The Great Gavin Newsom Experiment: Does a White (Hetero!) Man Have a Future in the Democratic Party?

Scott Pinsker, PJ MEDIA,  3/15/25

He’s six-foot three. Mid-50s, but still has a (very) impressive hairline. Good-looking dude — and the women agree. He’s been with some drop-dead gorgeous babes. (And quite a few conservative babes, too.)

Gavin Newsom loves the ladies!

Unfortunately, some of ‘em were married at the time (including to his best friend and campaign manager). He also raised eyebrows when he dated a teenage model named Brittanie Mountz when he was pushing 40. (And who knows what the hell was going on when Newsom’s name and number appeared on Paris Hilton’s “contact list” when she was hacked in 2005?)

Still, this is a Democrat we’re talking about. The party of JFK and Bill Clinton! And if this were pre-#MeToo, nobody on the left would care.

If anything, the mainstream media would find it kind of charming: “That Gavin is so gosh darn attractive, what can you do? Oh, what a lovable scamp! Those Republicans WISH they could be as hot as him! Heck, ‘I’d be happy to give him oral s** just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.’

But this ain’t your daddy’s Democratic Party no mo’. The cultural headwinds have so thoroughly transformed the liberal landscape, a young Jack Kennedy or Bill Clinton wouldn’t even recognize the modern DNC. Jack Kennedy was a military veteran who ran on a missile gap and a tax cut; Bill Clinton was a poor white kid in rural Arkansas. If they were youngsters today, they’d almost certainly be MAGA Republicans!

The days of a swaggering, philandering white dude ruling the Democratic Party with an iron [fist] are gone for good.


And that’s what’s so fascinating about the great Gavin Newsom experiment that’s now underway: can the current California governor — a white, hetero, Christian man — rise to the top of today’s Democratic Party?

Or will the new generation of liberal leaders — AOC and all her cohorts — kick him to the curb and demand someone else? 

Someone who “looks like America,” perhaps? 

I mean, if it’s important for judges, it’s probably important for presidential candidates, too:

But Newsom is gonna give it a shot. He’s unquestionably gunning for the 2028 Democratic presidential nomination. And right now, he’s surveying his potential competition: fellow Californian Kamala Harris might give it another try. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is another serious contender. AOC has a national following; her ceiling might be limited, but in Democratic circles, her basement is a high-rise. Elizabeth Warren is a possibility. Mayor Pete Buttigieg will probably run as well.

Which means, Gavin Newsom has a wide-open lane: he’s the white hetero Christian male! (Rahm Emanuel and Josh Shapiro, alas, have the wrong religious affiliation for today’s Democratsoy vey!)

To elevate his national profile, he launched the “This Is Gavin Newsom” podcast in late February. And his guest list is 100% not what you’d expect. Typically, when a Democrat has presidential aspirations, you’d expect him to book podcast guests with liberal thought leaders — people such as Obama, Oprah, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, or Rachel Maddow. That would be the smartest, fastest way to not only communicate to your base that you’re “one of them,” but to also let them know that all the top thought-leaders believe in you, too.

But that’s not at all what Newsom is doing. Instead, his first three guests were Charlie KirkMichael Savage, and Steve Bannon!

And in the process, he’s making a novel argument to the Democratic base: we can’t beat MAGA unless we have a candidate who can talk to their side, and I’m only MAN who can do it. 

He’s not running on representation; he’s running on persuasion. He’s not saying he “looks like America”; he’s saying he can persuade the rest of America.

Most specifically, the Americans that the Democrats have left behindmen.

Can his outreach succeed? Possibly: 2028 is still a long way away, and everything can change in a short period of time. Right now, it’s hard to shake the visuals of Los Angeles literally burning to the ground, but by 2026 or 2027, if the dominant storyline is LA’s recovery and renaissance, then Gavin Newsom — the man who rebuilt California! — might be an attractive option to leftists who want to rebuild a post-MAGA America.

It all comes down to how the Democrats answer this one question: “Why did we lose in 2024?”

If their conclusion is that they lost because Trump is a Nazi, Americans are stupid, and Harris wasn’t a good enough candidate, then Newsom is dead in the water. They’ll choose the most far-left candidate that could still plausibly win, and that’s not going to be the white male governor of California.

But if the Dems decide they lost because they failed to expand their base, then Newsom’s strategy could thread the needle — and win the nomination. The lane is narrow, but it’s open.

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