It will happen. The poor quality of EV’s, burning up, loss of driving range in “bad” weather, cost of electricity, lack of working charging stations. Add to that they higher insurance costs and the higher vehicles costs, you have a middle class disaster in the making.
“The transition should have been a non-starter. It’s riddled with numerous deal killers. It’s like having a dozen fatal diseases all at the same time.
Any goal as massive as a total conversion from ICE vehicles to EVs requires careful planning and infrastructure preparation. It would necessitate a rapid doubling of electricity generation and grid expansion. In today’s world that’s impossible.
You can’t kill off fossil fuel, coal and nuclear power, along with demolishing hydro-electric dams and expect the cost of charging to stay low. We will have a significant electricity shortage—and we will then have rationing and limited times to charges, forced by government. An EV is a very expensive and unreliable toy.
The inevitable EV implosion

By Ron Ross, American Thinker, 9/12/23
The electric vehicle honeymoon is over. Don’t expect the marriage itself to last much longer either.
The mass conversion from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEs) to electric vehicles was never more than a Democrat/environmentalist hallucination anyway. It was the most ill-conceived government policy objective in modern history.
The transition should have been a non-starter. It’s riddled with numerous deal killers. It’s like having a dozen fatal diseases all at the same time.
Any goal as massive as a total conversion from ICE vehicles to EVs requires careful planning and infrastructure preparation. It would necessitate a rapid doubling of electricity generation and grid expansion. In today’s world that’s impossible.
EV promoters could never deliver on their promises. Their grandiose assurances were nothing more than wishful thinking.
There was no market research. Hmm — I wonder why. There were no feasibility studies. Hmm — I wonder why. Did they actually believe everyone would tolerate spending hours to charge their vehicles rather than the minutes they were accustomed to?
Car dealers are resisting further deliveries of EVs because of swelling inventories. Avis and Hertz can’t even get people to rent EVs! Yet, manufacturers are ramping up production just as consumers are balking. Something will have to give, and soon. EV makers and their shareholders will tire of pouring money down a rathole.
We are spending trillions of dollars on a fabricated dream, all for imaginary payoffs decades in the future.
When the EV house of cards collapses what will the reaction be? Ordinarily, for normal persons, it would be a time for regret, rethinking, and humility.
It would be good if the Democrat/environmentalist true believers learned something from the EV debacle. However, the same utopian blindness that caused this fiasco will prevent any lesson-learning on their part. We are more likely to see them doubling down instead.
Electrical and hybrid cars are ALL dependent on slave labor in the Congo and China. The average EV or hybrid battery requires 25 pounds of cobalt. The cobalt ore comes from the Congo. Children as young as 3 years old are forced to help mine it. The mining tunnels are dangerous with frequent cave ins. Many children are buried alive. If you are lucky enough to make it to puberity, you will be dead from the toxins by age 60. One little girl was forced to work waist deep in a muddy pool of water. At age 11, she developed a vaginal infection. She died a painful death 10 months later. It takes two weeks to mine enough ore for a single car. That is: fourteen days. Slaves do not get weekends off.
Then the ore is sent to China where Uyghurs are forced to refine the ore. When a Uyghur get disabled due to thd toxic chemical exposures, their organs are harvested while they are alive.
The ONLY way EVs are at all affordable is because of slave labor, child abuse, and a lack of concern among consumers.
Do not buy an EV. God does not want you to participate in slavery.
Just recently had to rent a car for two days. I had reserved an ICE car. When I got to the rental location I was offered a much fancier EV, which would have gone for considerably more per day, for the same price. I didn’t take it. I obviously don’t have a charger at home, so I would have had to stop some place at a public charger to ‘fill up’. I don’t have an extra two to three hours in my day for that bu11shlt.