Here is a Hobbs choice—would you rather be killed by COVID policies or Climate Change policies—both based on non scientific scams? Does it matter—either way the economy, education and normal society are killed.
“There is, of course, a lot of overlap between the COVID tyrants and the climate tyrants. The lefties do often like to specialize, however. The climate commies have been grifting in that lane for so long that they don’t really need to pay attention to any opportunities that may come along on the COVID panic front.
John Kerry — America’s Ugliest Trophy Wife — is tasked with demonizing anyone who questions the Climate Cult orthodoxy, and Ben wrote about his latest antics:
The corporate state is intent, apparently, on ramping up its propaganda against so-called “climate deniers,” presumably to set the rhetorical groundwork for more extreme legal and social action against them in the future. So it dispatched something called its “climate envoy,” John Kerry, to Scotland with that aim.
Why are we so gullible? Why don’t we just laugh and ask what the punchline is to their bad joke? You know they do not believe it—otherwise Kerry would not go globally hopping on private jets.
The Morning Briefing: Climate Cult Tyrants Are Still Worse Than COVID Tyrants

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Renzett knew he would soon have to open up to the cul-de-sac and share his overwhelming desire to be known as “King of the Ambrosia Salad.”
Freedom-loving Americans have had a rough go of it since the first arrival of the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu on our shores. The Trump/Fauci alliance made things bad enough, but the tyrannical flex got really awful when Joe Biden was installed in the presidency. As we have seen in recent weeks, the COVID fetish Left is attempting to relive its glory days of oppression.
With the stink of the pandemic government heavies still lingering so strongly, the Climate Cult thugs have been hoping to keep their campaign of error and terror continuing unabated without anyone noticing. We do occasionally discuss them here in the Briefing, but it’s time to check in again.
There is, of course, a lot of overlap between the COVID tyrants and the climate tyrants. The lefties do often like to specialize, however. The climate commies have been grifting in that lane for so long that they don’t really need to pay attention to any opportunities that may come along on the COVID panic front.
John Kerry — America’s Ugliest Trophy Wife — is tasked with demonizing anyone who questions the Climate Cult orthodoxy, and Ben wrote about his latest antics:
The corporate state is intent, apparently, on ramping up its propaganda against so-called “climate deniers,” presumably to set the rhetorical groundwork for more extreme legal and social action against them in the future. So it dispatched something called its “climate envoy,” John Kerry, to Scotland with that aim.
Everything these loons do is, as Ben wrote, setting “rhetorical groundwork” in order to add weight to the already too-heavy hand of the federal government.
Kerry’s comments, which are highlighted in the post, are ridiculous and, as Ben goes on to point out, just so much projection:
This is an obvious truism at this point, but, of course, I would be remiss not to point out that these people always do what they accuse their opponents of doing. Freud got it right. From the Hunter Biden laptop hoax to the “safe and effective” COVID vax lie, lying in the service of their various profiteering and social engineering projects is their modus operandi. Climate change is no exception.
The Biden administration is all-in on filling the pockets of Big Green. They came out of the gate by having President LOLEightyonemillion sign an executive order halting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline on Inauguration Day 2021. The puppet masters made sure that the Green lobby knew that the White House would soon be giving them unlimited withdrawals from the American Taxpayer ATM, which was the real purpose of the laughably named “Inflation Reduction Act.”
Because the Legislative Branch of the United States government has ceded many of its responsibilities to the Executive, the American people are subjected to a variety of regulations when the Left wants to achieve its goals and they have a president in place.
Rick recently wrote about the most recent regulatory insanity that the Democrats are looking at:
If I were a climate change fanatic, I wouldn’t stop at anything to cut carbon. This explains a lot about the Department of Energy’s proposed rules on energy efficiency for ceiling fans.
Yes, ceiling fans. The DOE announced the exciting news this past week that consumers would save between $28 and $39 over the life of a ceiling fan on energy costs.
Meanwhile, Republicans on the Small Business Committee are questioning the wisdom of rules that will save consumers pennies a year but very well might cost thousands of jobs as some small ceiling fan manufacturers are likely to go out of business. They sent a letter to Jennifer Granholm inquiring about the new regulations.
If, like me, you’re skeptical whenever the government says that forcing you to do something will save you money in the long run, you have a clean bill of mental health.
I live in a very, very hot part of the country. I’ve been away from home for almost two weeks and my ceiling fans have been running the whole time because I don’t want to return to a thousand-degree sweat box. I didn’t need to turn them off to give them a rest because — other than when I stop them for a few minutes to dust them — my ceiling fans run from May to October. They’re BEASTS. I’m not in the mood to nuke them for Democrat Big Green-approved fans that will save me forty bucks in 10 years.
If the government-approved fans even last that long.
The Climate Cult attempts to rule with a combination of fear-mongering and paternalistic condescension. Both are offensive. All of it is built on lies.
Those incandescent bulbs didn’t deserve to die.