Did a crash cause Paul Pelosi to get drunk—or was he drunk when he was involved in the crash and the cops did nothing? Also, why did it take the Napa police 4.5 hours, from arrest to booking—were they trying to work out a deal or hide the arrest? Lots of interesting questions. Of course, here you have an 82 year old man driving a 2012 Porsche, drunk. Should he be allowed to drive again? Also, anyone do a search to see if this is his first DUI arrest—or maybe the others were covered up?
If he was just John Doe, no one would care. But, since he is the husband of San Fran Nan, lots of questions are going to be asked. Oh, this took place near their vineyard in Napa.
The Plot of the Paul Pelosi Arrest Story Thickens
By Nick Arama, RedState, 5/30/22

As we reported, Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), was arrested on Saturday for driving under the influence in California.
It turns out that there was a bit more to that story. He was driving a Porsche and was involved in a crash with another car before that arrest, according to the police.
Paul Pelosi, 82, was attempting to cross in Napa County’s State Route-29 in a 2021 Porsche late Saturday when he was in a collision with a 48-year-old man driving a 2014 Jeep, the California Highway Patrol said.
There were no reported injuries and the police report does not identify either driver as being at fault, CNN said.
However, the driver of the Jeep was not arrested, while Pelosi was busted at 11:44 p.m. and booked into the Napa County Detention Center, records show.
It’s not clear why if he was busted at 11:44 p.m. on Saturday that he wasn’t booked until 4:13 a.m., according to the report. Was there a problem of some sort that hasn’t been explained yet?
Click on the tweet to see the report:
Pelosi was charged with two misdemeanors: driving under influence and driving with a blood alcohol of 0.08 or higher.
He was bailed out a few hours later at 7:26 a.m., on $5000 bail.
Nancy Pelosi’s spokesperson issued a statement about her husband’s arrest. “The Speaker would not be commenting on this private matter which occurred while she was on the East Coast.” Pelosi was in Rhode Island on Sunday to speak at the Brown University commencement.
The plot of the DUI arrest story thickens. While the information doesn’t say who was at fault yet, it’s very problematic to be driving while allegedly drunk. You’re not only endangering yourself but you’re endangering others. He’s lucky that he wasn’t injured and that he didn’t injure anyone else. And what was he doing out at that time, driving allegedly in that condition?
Yes, I’m sure Nancy Pelosi who is not silent about anything else and who has a lot to say about other people wants it to be a “private matter.” Except when it’s a public arrest, it ceases to be a private matter.
While the Speaker was essentially begging for a bit of indulgence that her husband’s arrest be treated as a “private matter,” she was busy spreading discord and disinformation to the Brown graduates, trying to smear her political opponents.
“In the months since the insurrection, we’ve seen further assaults on democracy,” Pelosi said. “Shameful campaigns of voter suppression and election nullification. A Supreme Court poised to erase a woman’s right to decide and threaten even more privacy rights, including marriage equality. We can’t let that happen.”