Gavin Newsom is slick. He understands that he has to defend his record and the collapse of California. So, now he has vetoed a couple of really bad bill. How does he defend his record and California energy, crime, drug, illegal alien, education policies?
“As the ILA found out, “the data reveals Newsom is placing a high emphasis on moderate portrayal for issues relating to crime as well as on tax and fiscal policy. For example, while the average Democrat tax and fiscal ratings was a horrifying 1%, Newsom aligned with the limited government position a staggering 60% of the time – even slightly above Republicans who averaged a miserable 58%. However, on progressive priorities such as Energy and Environment, Newsom scored a mere 20%, closely aligning with Democrats who voted with the limited government position just 9% of the time.”
Gov. Newsom vetoed a bill which would have forced taxpayers to fund unemployment for illegal immigrants (AB 2847). And he vetoed a bill which would have required even more recycled mandates (AB 2784). Does this make him moderate? Probably not, but it’s clearly an attempt to improve his public optics.”
Yet Newsom still supports full benefits for illegal aliens, he supports California being a sanctuary State (and in another bill he supports the State of California kidnapping child for the purpose of making them transition, against the wishes of the parents—Newsom becomes to Father of all these kids!)
The Scheme to Label Gov. Newsom as ‘Moderate’ Exposed in New Report

California state lawmakers voting even more radical left as Newsom vetoes to appear moderate ahead of 2024
By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 9/26/23
Last November the Globe reported on the Center for Legislative Accountability’s annual California Lawmaker Scorecard, and as a surprise to no one, the California legislature earned a failing grade against other states’ conservative ratings.
The weakest issues for California state lawmakers are:
- Taxes, Budget and Spending
- Health Care
- Welfare and Poverty
- Education
- Government Integrity and Transparency
Not much has changed except to get worse.
Now there is a new analysis of the California Legislature by the Institute for Legislative Analysis (ILA), which includes “the most comprehensive Governor and state lawmaker scorecard ever produced.” The ILA found “Democrats within the California state legislature vote in-line with the limited government principles of the U.S. Constitution a dismal 5.08% of the time – compared to the Republican average of 83.72%.”
The report is based on nearly 8,000 votes cast by lawmakers across 10 key policy areas and the legislative actions taken by California Governor Gavin Newsom last year.
“The analysis shows that the policy strategy deployed by California’s democratic lawmakers is enabling Gov. Newsom – a former progressive San Francisco mayor – to portray himself as a ‘moderate’ by vetoing many far radical left bills, while still signing countless other progressive priorities into law. As a result, the ILA found that Gov. Newsom’s legislative actions aligned with the limited government position 39% of the time based on ILA’s new Governor rating system – the first-ever Governor scorecard based upon bill actions across the 50 legislatures.”
Some of the bills Newsom signed include expanding prevailing wage mandates (AB 1851), forcing taxpayers to fund “scholarships” and training for abortion providers (AB 1918), expanding taxpayer funded legal services to illegal immigrants (AB 2193), unionizing the agriculture industry (AB 2183) – there are many more – this is just a smattering.
As the ILA found out, “the data reveals Newsom is placing a high emphasis on moderate portrayal for issues relating to crime as well as on tax and fiscal policy. For example, while the average Democrat tax and fiscal ratings was a horrifying 1%, Newsom aligned with the limited government position a staggering 60% of the time – even slightly above Republicans who averaged a miserable 58%. However, on progressive priorities such as Energy and Environment, Newsom scored a mere 20%, closely aligning with Democrats who voted with the limited government position just 9% of the time.”
Gov. Newsom vetoed a bill which would have forced taxpayers to fund unemployment for illegal immigrants (AB 2847). And he vetoed a bill which would have required even more recycled mandates (AB 2784). Does this make him moderate? Probably not, but it’s clearly an attempt to improve his public optics.
Read through the entire report – it’s interesting and thorough, and paints an accurate picture of the far-left leaning California Legislature, as well as those legislators who are champions of individual liberties, less government and lower taxation, and far-left leaning Governor Newsom, who is “reimagining” himself a little more moderate.
You can also see How Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Record Compares to Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Pence, Scott and Christie.
Here is the link for the California Limited Government Index scorecard for Gov. Newsom as well as individual Senators and Assembly members. Share your thoughts, please.
Do Californians really want to live like they must in their state? High crime, illegal imigration, unaffordagel gasoline and electriciity and taxes? I can understand that CA became a DEM fortress after Prop 14 but did anyone expect them to set out to destroy what was once a great state to live in? I saw it coming and moved to another state 11 years ago. And even though MN is also a Dem state it still has a strong GOP contingent and outside of Minneapolis it is still a relatively balanced State. I am so sad to see CA destroying itself. Back in 1988 at the Sacto GOP convention I was interviewed by the Sacto newspaper and quoted when I said that as long a CA does not recruit Latinos and other minorities and stand strong against liberal politics they will soon be irrelevant. And it happened. Goodbye CA GOP. Trump’s speech the other day should become your guiding message (and I am not The Donald’s greatest fan but recognize that he is still pro American!
Veto a couple extreme bills.
Legislature overrides the veto.
Claim to be a moderate.
Kabuki. Not moderation, all according to plan
Clueless she role also beloved media lied that Brandon is “ moderate. “ between that d and me brliving our elections at Ed honest, I suppose that oroplrvgrtvthe government that they deserve.
Newsom is just fooling you ahead of his campaign. Newsom is a Neo-Fascist and a Neo-Feudalist. In 2008, he was given the title “Young Global Leader” by Klaus Schwab in Davos. He believes in the Chinese Economic Model, as Schwab does. His close buddy is Justin Trudeau, who is also a YGL and leading Canada to Totalitarianism. They want CONTROL. Economic Control, Population Control. A vote for Newsom is a vote for WEF Control.