This is a list of people considered the biggest liars of our time. Sadly, they stopped at six. So, it does not include James Comey, the former FBI chief who used his position to head up a coup against President Trump. It does not include the biggest liar of our time, Hillary Clinton—from her whitewater scandal to beign the financier of a coup against a President, she is the female version of Jon Lovitz, except he is a comedian and she is a crook. Some would say that Joe Biden should be on the list—but he obviously is mental incapacitated—though his wife “Dr.” Jill Biden should be charged with elder abuse for allowing him to be so incoherent a new phrase has been used, “word salad” to explain his incoherent speeches—many of which could get us into war, if he knew what he is saying.
If the Biden Ministry of Truth comes back under the next president, these six would be the first convicted.
The Shameful Six: Never listen to these people again

By Post Editorial Board, 5/29/22
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley gave the commencement speech at West Point last weekend, warning graduates of the new threats they’ll face.
Word to the wise, cadets: Milley isn’t a guy anyone should listen to, on this or anything else. He’s been disastrously wrong time and again, for years.
Where to start? Milley defended the decision to leave more than 100 Americans stranded in Afghanistan after the US pullout and called the withdrawal a “logistical success.”
And let’s not forget the bungled US drone attack that killed an aid worker there, as well as two other adults and seven children. Milley first cast that as a “righteous strike,” later admitting he was wrong. Oopsie!
At home, he reportedly undermined then-President Donald Trump, going behind his back to calm Chinese military bigs’ fears about the prez’s possible actions and calling Trump’s stolen election claims a “Reichstag moment.” He bizarrely defended the Army’s inclusion of woke nonsense on the West Point curriculum by citing so-called “white rage” — a subject that has zero to do with contemporary warfighting.
But he’s hardly alone on the “never listen to them” list. Some others:
- Dr. Anthony Fauci has been transformed by his insane fans into a secular saint despite having overseen and encouraged a series of utterly disastrous US policies on COVID, from his embrace of useless lockdowns to his backing of the pause on Johnson & Johnson vaccine that cost countless lives by cratering US vaccine uptake to his vacillation on school closures.
Plus, he worked to squelch discussion of the theory that COVID escaped accidentally from a lab, specifically the Wuhan Institute of Virology (which studied coronaviruses and had previous safety issues). This idea Fauci took seriously in private but dismissed in public — which means the threat is still a viable one. Thanks, St. Anthony.
Steele, after all, whipped up an eponymous dossier on Trump’s alleged misdeeds in Russia — now revealed to be no more than junior-high-level gossip between PR hacks — as a covert political op for Clinton World. He then saw it translated into bogus “scoops” by major media institutions. Steele, more than anyone else, made stagy histrionics and outright lying acceptable as long as they help advance the left’s political aims.
- Randi Weingarten, head of the United Federation of Teachers, spread disinformation to defend terrible COVID policies that pandered to her members’ fears, doing incalculable damage. She insisted, against all common sense, that “kids are resilient,” so the school closures and remote learning she argued for (with zero scientific basis) would do students no lasting harm. Hah! Those policies proved utter disasters for kids, inflicting years of learning loss, harming especially black and Hispanic students. These young Americans will suffer for Randi’s evil counsel for the rest of their lives.
- Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper helped lead the charge on trying to discredit The Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop. He signed a letter alongside 50 other intel officials (who all belong on this list too) stating with no proof that it was part of a Russian disinformation ploy. When the laptop was “authenticated” by The New York Times and others, Clapper doubled down. And that’s to say nothing of his efforts in helping propagate the RussiaGate nonsense.
That this delusional self-seeker — who ducked a perjury charge for lying to Congress — ran our most sensitive intelligence operations should make any sensible person shudder. That he still has any credibility is a total outrage.
Sullivan’s the type of ambitious, amoral would-be player without whom Clinton-style dirty tricks would be impossible. Now he has the ear of the president on how to keep America safe. Sweet dreams, everyone.
This list could be far longer: there’s no shortage of targets. But make no mistake. Government officials and media mandarins are all too willing to brandish “expert” status as they’re selling you a load of bull.