The Tax Watchers: 1984 is here

The Tax Watchers: 1984 is here

Is this reality or are we living in the fantasy world of “1984”?  Compare what Orwell wrote and what is happening today.

“Marxists had been at work in America long before Orwell wrote his story. They have now infiltrated every institution – education, media, industry, government, unions, even some churches. Look around.

America’s history is being erased, not just in textbooks, but as statues come down and schools are renamed. This is Marxist strategy: Remove links to the past; the young will then believe whatever you tell them.

Students at every level can’t pass basic exams given in my school days. Universities complain that many incoming freshmen are unqualified. College entrance exams are dumbed down. “Equity” and “social justice” – whatever they mean – have become more important than academic performance.

Facebook, Twitter and other media censor conservative speech and “cancel” those whose views they don’t like. Big Tech is the partner of “Big Brother.”

In a political science book, these attributes would be found udner the term “fascist”.

The Tax Watchers: 1984 is here

By John Takeuchi, Daily Republic, 2/14/21 

John Takeuchi: The Tax Watchers

George Orwell’s 1949 novel “1984” is an American classic. I read it in high school a long time ago. It was science-fiction then: “Big Brother” – the World Government – watching everything people did; messages everywhere telling you what to think, what not to think. The central figure is a government employee; his job is to re-write history, deleting ideas of liberty and substituting stories that the present is all there is.

“1984” was not entirely fiction. Orwell saw what was happening in the West and where civilization might be heading.

Marxists had been at work in America long before Orwell wrote his story. They have now infiltrated every institution – education, media, industry, government, unions, even some churches. Look around.

America’s history is being erased, not just in textbooks, but as statues come down and schools are renamed. This is Marxist strategy: Remove links to the past; the young will then believe whatever you tell them.

Students at every level can’t pass basic exams given in my school days. Universities complain that many incoming freshmen are unqualified. College entrance exams are dumbed down. “Equity” and “social justice” – whatever they mean – have become more important than academic performance.

Facebook, Twitter and other media censor conservative speech and “cancel” those whose views they don’t like. Big Tech is the partner of “Big Brother.”

President Joe Biden’s administration is undoing major programs of the Trump administration. He will make “1984” real in America.

He promised to reverse the Trump tax cuts. Those cuts, plus eliminating many regulations, sparked the economic surge that brought so many people and businesses new prosperity. They created jobs for millions – particularly minorities – and pushed the stock market to historic highs. Biden’s tax increases will doom many of those businesses, wiping out millions of jobs.

Biden canceled permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline being built to bring crude oil from Canada to U.S. refineries. He also banned drilling on federal lands. Those measures have already killed tens of thousands of construction jobs in the U.S. and Canada. More tens of thousands in supporting businesses are gone. Instead of exporting energy to the rest of the world, we will again import oil from countries that dislike us. Trump’s policies made the U.S. “energy-independent” – we won’t be after this.

Biden is putting the U.S. back in the Paris (Climate) Accords. Its policies will make the U.S. send millions of dollars to Third World countries. “Climate Change” preached by politicians is fraud; humans cannot control Earth’s climate. “Green” environmental policies – forcing the U.S. economy away from fossil fuels – will increase the cost of everything and put millions more out of work.

“1984” is real in China today. The Chinese Communist Party uses modern technology to watch and control its people, including non-Chinese in lands that it’s taken over. Tibet is no longer a nation. Uighur Muslims in China’s western provinces are forced into “re-education camps” and serve as slave-labor in factories. Hong Kong no longer has a freely elected government.

Read or re-read “1984.” Look around.

Ronald Reagan warned us: “Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. We don’t pass it to our children in our blood. It must be fought for, protected and handed to them by our example; or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States when men were free.”

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John Takeuchi is a member of the Central Solano Citizen/Taxpayer Group. He served two terms on the Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee.