Should tax dollars be used to promote the KKK or its modern version BLM/ANTIFA? Should a white child be told in class they must admit they are racists, because their DNA is white? Can a black student be told they are superior because of the color of their skin? Is this the role of government to divide people, to anger people and to demean them?
At some point the parents have to stand up and tell the Board of Education, do this and you will be Recalled—racism has no place in our schools. Plus, history has to be taught honestly, the good, the bad and the ugly-but not one sided.
The 2022 elections could be a revolution at the ballot box. Folks are angry that sporting events demean the United States and our flag. Folks are angry that Hollywood types want higher taxes for us—while begging, and getting, $330,000,000 from California taxpayers to finance propaganda films hating freedom.
The Tax Watchers: Critical Race Theory a poison pill

By Colleen Britton, Daily Republic, 7/15/21
Wait a minute. Why are Tax Watchers interested in Critical Race Theory? We’ve all seen videos of parents speaking up at school board meetings across the country, and governors of various states either promoting or prohibiting it. Why the sudden interest? What is Critical Race Theory?
The theory evolved from Karl Marx’s premise – found in The Communist Manifesto – that societies develop through class conflict. He postulated about oppressors – the wealthy, the educated and the government – and the oppressed – the laborers in industry and farming. The only way for the oppressed to improve their lives was to destroy their oppressors.
This strategy of developing opposing classes – rich versus poor, white versus Black, police versus inner city dwellers – is the leftist model today.
Efforts to promote Critical Race Theory in K-12 education drew national attention in April when the Education Department under the Biden administration proposed a rule to prioritize funding U.S. history and civics programs that incorporate the works of critical race proponent Ibram X. Kendi and The New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which is based on the idea that America was founded as, and remains today, a racist nation.
The Biden administration will have Critical Race Theory strings tied to any money going to the states and organizations.
Millions of “human infrastructure dollars” have already been proposed, and slick consultants across the country are eager to get their fair share by promoting Critical Race Theory-inspired anti-racist training for government staff, educators, business leaders and more.
Critical Race Theory exists under many different names, and reaches far beyond schools. This negative, racist training is now prevalent at all levels of government, including our military. It has permeated medicine, business, education, the media and more. Taxpayer dollars are paying for much of it. That’s why our Tax Watchers are involved.
Members of the Solano County Board of Supervisors recently discussed a proposal made by their Ad Hoc Equity Committee to institute 2 ½ hours of staff training countywide. A brief outline of the proposed course includes standard Critical Race Theory terms such as white privilege, white supremacy and implicit bias. These programs see the society through the lens of race. They stereotype racial and gender groups, implying oppressor and oppressed as Marx would, and pit them one against each other in the name of “anti-racism” or anti-bigotry.
They most certainly do not promote a cohesive work environment or sense of belonging to a community.
This year, the Fairfield-Suisun School District began a three-year staff development training program titled Healing Centered Engagement. While purporting to promote self-awareness, it assumes that the achievement gap which exists between racial groups is largely due to historic injustice and oppression.
Identifying racial differences in the context of oppressor/oppressed simply reinforces differences and creates further division, and resentment, especially in young minds.
There is a better way. Parents, talk to your children. Ask them what they are learning in civics and history classes. Be attuned to words and ideas classifying people according to physical differences. Explain that this is contrary to America’s ideals. Forming good citizens is your role.
Let’s work together for truth in our government and schools. Focus on the positive aspirations embodied in our Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
And in our Constitution: “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, (e)nsure domestic tranquility . . . .”
Encourage children to live by the Golden Rule: “Treat others as you want to be treated.”
And follow Christ’s command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”