The Top Ten Jew-Hating Colleges and Universities

    Two of the ten worst schools in the nation for Jews are in California.  UCLA and San Fran State made the top ten.  My surprise is that UC Irvine did not make the list.  “In the rare instances when pro-Israel speakers are invited to campus, they are met by mobs shouting slogans such as “Intifada!”—a call for a new violent uprising against Israel—or “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free”—a call to destroy the entirety of the Jewish homeland. America’s universities have become a new fount of Jew hatred which then leeches into the broader culture. Members of SJP and other campus anti-Israel groups will attempt to deny that their goals and rhetoric are anti-Semitic and claim that they are targeting Israel’s alleged atrocities—while of course ignoring the never-ending terror campaign perpetrated by the Palestine Authority and Hamas against the Jewish people.” Why hasn’t Feinstein, Pelosi or Newsom spoken out against this?  Why are they silent?  The Democrat Party by its silence supports the hate.  Did you expect something different?     “  

The Top Ten Jew-Hating Colleges and Universities De-fund the pro-terrorist movement on campus.

By Sara Dogan, Originally published at

On college campuses across America, hatred and bigotry directed against Jews is at an all-time high. It is now almost commonplace for swastikas to appear in university halls and restrooms or scrawled on Jewish fraternity houses. Hundreds of chapters of the Hamas-funded terrorist support group,

Students for Justice in Palestine, hold events promoting anti-Semitic speakers who spread terrorist propaganda, describing Israel – created the same way Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq were created—as a “settler-colonial state” that engages in “ethnic cleansing.” Under the influence of these terrorist-supporting hate groups, university departments have lined up to endorse statements incorporating the same genocidal lies. Under pressure from Students for Justice in Palestine and other campus groups including the Muslim Brotherhood-created Muslim Students Association, student governments across the nation are promoting the Hamas-created Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel and its sister movement, the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, efforts reminiscent of the Nazi boycotts of the past. The goal of these boycotts is to isolate and economically strangle the world’s only Jewish state and the Middle East’s only democracy. In the rare instances when pro-Israel speakers are invited to campus, they are met by mobs shouting slogans such as “Intifada!”—a call for a new violent uprising against Israel—or “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free”—a call to destroy the entirety of the Jewish homeland.

America’s universities have become a new fount of Jew hatred which then leeches into the broader culture. Members of SJP and other campus anti-Israel groups will attempt to deny that their goals and rhetoric are anti-Semitic and claim that they are targeting Israel’s alleged atrocities—while of course ignoring the never-ending terror campaign perpetrated by the Palestine Authority and Hamas against the Jewish people. In 2016, the U.S. State Department, along with 30 other nations that comprise the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) adopted a “working definition” of anti-Semitism that illuminates multiple ways in which SJP and their allies openly promote Jew hatred.  The member nations of the IHRA defined anti-Semitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” Examples of anti-Semitism were presented “to guide IHRA in its work.”

These examples include “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,” and “Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.” Other examples of anti-Semitism included are: “Applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation,” “Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis,” and “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis,” among others.

This latter libel is particularly ironic since the Muslim Brotherhood translated Hitler’s Mein Kampf in the 1930’s, and the George Washington of Palestinian nationalism – the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini – was a Nazi who spent the war years in Berlin organizing an Arab legion for Hitler and planning an Auschwitz for the Middle East. Israeli politician Natan Sharansky encompasses many of the IHRA points in his equally illuminating but more succinct definition of anti-Semitism known as the “Three D’s” – Delegitimization, Demonization, and Double Standards. In Sharansky’s definition, criticism of Israel crosses the line into anti-Semitism when it delegitimizes Israel as a Jewish state by claiming that its founding by the UN was illegitimate or racist, when Jews or Israelis are demonized as evil or portrayed as bloodthirsty, and when double standards are applied to criticize Israel for its foreign policy and record on human rights while avoiding scrutiny of other nations.  It is no coincidence that Jewish students and organizations on many campuses have sought to have their universities adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, and also no coincidence that their efforts have been universally and violently opposed by members of Students for Justice in Palestine and other anti-Jewish campus hate groups. SJP knows that they openly and flagrantly participate in and promote Jew hatred on a daily basis.

The report that follows exposes the pervasive Jew hatred that exists at ten prominent American universities. This hatred is not limited to individuals, but thrives on an apparatus of support within these universities including student organizations, faculty members, student governments, university departments, and even administrators. While we believe these ten campuses to be the worst of the worst, the sad truth is that Jew hatred exists and is increasing on hundreds if not thousands of campuses across America. We must name it, before it accomplishes its genocidal goals. And we must take measures to de-fund it and stop it.  

The campus terrorist movement is led by Students for Justice in Palestine and the Muslim Students Association. Over a dozen former members of the Muslim Students Association—including several former chapter presidents—have gone on to hold positions in terrorist organizations in the Middle East and elsewhere. The most famous of these was Anwar al-Awlaki, a leader of al Qaeda in Yemen who was president of the Colorado State Muslim Students Association, and eventually killed in a drone strike during the Obama administration. Students for Justice in Palestine and other campus purveyors of Jew hatred are officially recognized by their university administrations. This means they are given privileges denied to non-officially recognized groups, receive funding for their campus events, and are given coveted student offices to conduct their student business.

They receive all these benefits despite the fact that they violate official “community principles” which insist on respect for other students and campus diversity. If officially-sanctioned university organizations and departments directed this sort of rabid hate at any other group on campus—blacks or transgender students for instance—they would be stripped of their university recognition, campus privileges, student offices and university funding, and their leaders would probably be expelled. Yet groups devoted to spreading Jew hatred continue to receive official recognition, support, and funding from American universities, even as they call for a genocide of the Jews.

We call on the universities catalogued in this report and all institutions of higher learning to shut down the Jew hatred infecting their campuses. If they should fail to do so, we urge Congress to withhold all federal funding until they are willing to support the principles of diversity, inclusion and fairness which represent the heart of the American system.

The Top Ten: University of Chicago
San Francisco State University
Arizona State University
Rutgers University
University of Michigan
University of California-Los Angeles
University of Houston
University of Minnesota
Florida State University
Boston University
(Universities are not ranked within the top ten)

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HERE for more details on each campus…