The Truth About Project 2025

Every four years, since 1980, the Heritage Foundation has published a study on how government can be fixed.  Originally it was called “Mandate for Leadership”.  The version this year is Project 2025.  The Democrat are running scared—they believe that with Trump in the white House and the GOP in charge of the Congress, many parts of the 2025 version will be implemented.  If so, that ends bureaucracies, agencies, abuses by government employees.

So to fight it, the Democrats LIE about the study.  Here are some of the sections—and the truth:

“Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE

Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE

End civil rights: FALSE

End DEI protections in government: TRUE

Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE


Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE


End no-fault divorce: FALSE

End “marriage equality”: FALSE

Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE

Ban contraceptives: FALSE


You get the point—and the same folks that told us Biden could serve another four years are now telling us lies about Project 2025.

The Truth About Project 2025

Project 2025,  7/25/24

The Left has spent millions fearmongering about Project 2025, because they’re terrified of losing their power. And they should be. Project 2025 offers a menu of solutions to the border crisis, inflation, a stagnant economy, and rampant crime. It shows how we can take on China, fix our schools, and support families. But most importantly, it dismantles the unaccountable Deep State, taking power away from Leftist elites and giving it back to the American people and duly-elected President.

Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to abolish the Deep State and return government to the people. It was stood up in 2022, before any major candidate announced a campaign, to assist the next conservative president.  

Project 2025 is not partisan, nor is it secret. Project 2025 does not speak for any candidate or campaign, in any capacity. We are an open book, with our materials available online

Project 2025’s policy book is nothing new. The Mandate for Leadership has been published regularly since the 1980s. In it, respected conservative authors espouse conservative policy ideas for incoming Administrations to consider. Progressive organizations do the same thing. As just one example, the far-left Center for American Progress prepares policy recommendations for liberal presidents including President Obama in 2008. We will not stop offering ideas to reverse America’s decline. Our aim is to restore American democracy “of, by, and for the people,” not of, by, and for the elites who currently control Washington.

Our aim is to restore American democracy to “of, by, and for the people,” not the elites who currently control Washington.  

The Real Policy Recommendations

Secure the Border

Unleash American Energy

De-Weaponize the Federal Government and Dismantle the Deep State 

Improve Education 

Want to know more? Read it for yourself

Debunking the Lies

Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE


Terminate the Constitution: FALSE

Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE

Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE


Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE

Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE

End civil rights: FALSE

End DEI protections in government: TRUE

Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE


Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE


End no-fault divorce: FALSE

End “marriage equality”: FALSE

Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE

Ban contraceptives: FALSE


Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE

Outlaw pornography: TRUE


End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE

Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE


End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE

Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE

Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE


Cut Social Security: FALSE

Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE

Raise the retirement age: FALSE

Cut Medicare: FALSE


Mass deportation of immigrants: TRUE


Deregulate big business and the oil industry: MOSTLY TRUE

Increase Arctic Drilling: TRUE

One thought on “The Truth About Project 2025

  1. If it wasn’t the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, lefties would have found another organization with a proposal that they would have wrongly connected to Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. With so many ignorant Americans obtaining their “news” from Marxist-like sources such as MSNBC, Republicans need to stay on message regarding Trump’s AGENDA 47.

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