This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 27

As always you can count on the immaturity of the college campus and their promotion of a totalitarian State.

University of Pittsburgh Grafts Aborted Babies’ Scalps for Rodent Experiment | Campus Reform 

University of Pittsburgh researchers obtained the bodies of aborted babies from a local hospital and grafted the babies’ scalps to rodents for an immunology experiment.

How sick is this?  Yet, who has spoken out against this abuse?

This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 27

Chrissy Clark and Alex Nester, Washington Free Beacon,  1/16/21 

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation’s 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. University of Louisville Professor: ‘All’ Republicans are ‘Guilty’ of Capitol Attack, Should be ‘Forced to Shut the Hell Up’ | Campus Reform

A University of Louisville professor wrote in an op-ed that Republicans should “be forced to shut the hell up” about the Capitol Hill riot unless they denounced their former support for Donald Trump.

5. University of Chicago Takes Steps Toward Launch of ‘Critical Race Studies’ Department | The College Fix 

The University of Chicago will consider funding to explore the creation of a Department of Critical Race Studies. Critical race theory holds that American legal institutions are inherently racist.

4. Penn State Professor: Campus Conservative Group Bears ‘Responsibility’ for Capitol Riot | Young America’s Foundation 

A “distinguished” professor at Penn State University claimed that the Young America’s Foundation organization bears responsibility for the Capitol riot and said that “under no condition” would he support the creation of a YAF chapter on the campus.

3. Common App to Students: ‘Stark Differences’ in How Black and White Protesters Are Treated | Washington Free Beacon

A college admission application service told high school seniors that minority protesters are treated differently than white protesters due to systemic racism.

2. Michigan State Professor: Telling Someone You Can’t Understand Their Accent is ‘Linguistic Racism’ | The College Fix

A linguistics and education professor at Michigan State University said that asking a person to repeat themselves due to their accent is a form of “linguistic racism.”

1. University of Pittsburgh Grafts Aborted Babies’ Scalps for Rodent Experiment | Campus Reform 

University of Pittsburgh researchers obtained the bodies of aborted babies from a local hospital and grafted the babies’ scalps to rodents for an immunology experiment.

Want more Campus Insanity? Read Vol. 26 here.