Los Angeles has a large Jewish population. Sad to say, but three members of the City Council do NOT oppose the Hamas terrorism and goal of wiping out very Jew on the globe. Where is the LA Times—why isn’t that paper denouncing the Nazi-like stance of councilmembers?
“At present, there are three DSA-backed council members on the Los Angeles City Council, collectively representing 20% of the votes. It is inconceivable to imagine that 20% of Angelenos endorse Hamas’s terrorist attacks and the killing of innocent women and children.
However, the deafening silence of these elected officials is deeply concerning. Not only have two out of three DSA members, namely Councilwoman Eunisses Hernandez and Councilman Hugo Soto-Martinez, failed to denounce the indiscriminate killing of women and children and Hamas’s terrorism, but all three members, including Councilwoman Nithya Raman, have yet to condemn the DSA for organizing morally questionable and ill-timed rallies that applauded death and destruction.
Should Nazi sympathizers be allowed to serve on any city council? L.A. says, “No problem.”
DSA-Backed Councilmembers Fail to Condemn Party’s Glorification of Violence

Westside Current Editorial Board, 10/9/23 https://www.westsidecurrent.com/news/dsa-backed-councilmembers-fail-to-condemn-partys-glorification-of-violence/article_8588a746-66da-11ee-925d-bbcfd89f24a1.html?utm_source=westsidecurrent.com&utm_campaign=%2Fnews%2Fdsa-backed-councilmembers-fail-to-condemn-partys-glorification-of-violence%2Farticle-8588a746-66da-11ee-925d-bbcfd89f24a1.html%3Fmode%3Demail%26-dc%3D1696891506&utm_medium=auto%20alert%20email&utm_content=read%20more
LOS ANGELES – As disturbing images of death and destruction emerged from Israel over the weekend, another ugly narrative began to form in the United States.
A terrorist operation perpetrated by the militant group Hamas, which seized control of Gaza in 2007, claimed more than 900 lives and the kidnapping of more than 130 individuals, including women and children of various nationalities spurring an outpouring of reactions.
In response to these atrocities, organizations and officials from across the political spectrum swiftly condemned these cruel and heartless acts of terrorism.
However, there was one striking exception: the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
The DSA and its chapters made the inexplicable choice to organize rallies that, instead of denouncing the attacks, tacitly endorsed them and exploited the tragedy to fuel their animosity towards Israel. This deeply troubling stance lays bare the moral bankruptcy within the DSA.
The Ongoing Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has persisted for decades, has tragically claimed innocent lives on both sides. Israel has often faced international condemnation, media scrutiny, boycotts, and challenges to its right to exist.
While these dynamics are not new, what is particularly distressing is the DSA’s refusal to condemn the actions of Hamas. Rather than advocating for de-escalation, they shamefully organized rallies that celebrated a terrorist organization. The act of rejoicing in civilian casualties amid a conflict is morally reprehensible.
It is crucial to emphasize that one can oppose Israeli policies without endorsing Hamas’s indiscriminate violence. Yet over and over DSA has shown their willingness to attack Israel is not about advocating for Palestinian cause but it’s for eliminating Israel. Most famously, DSA advocates for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement and expects its members and endorsees to commit to this cause. The group also put to vote a resolution that called for DSA to become an “Anti-Zionist Organization in Principle and Praxis,” in their biennial national convention this past August.
Why Does This Matter?
Why does this matter, beyond the pursuit of decency and moral rectitude? As progressives gain political influence, often with the support of the DSA, they must exhibit moral leadership even when it necessitates critiquing their ideological allies.
At present, there are three DSA-backed council members on the Los Angeles City Council, collectively representing 20% of the votes. It is inconceivable to imagine that 20% of Angelenos endorse Hamas’s terrorist attacks and the killing of innocent women and children.
However, the deafening silence of these elected officials is deeply concerning. Not only have two out of three DSA members, namely Councilwoman Eunisses Hernandez and Councilman Hugo Soto-Martinez, failed to denounce the indiscriminate killing of women and children and Hamas’s terrorism, but all three members, including Councilwoman Nithya Raman, have yet to condemn the DSA for organizing morally questionable and ill-timed rallies that applauded death and destruction.
The DSA’s refusal to condemn Hamas reflects a moral failing within an emerging political force, which is directly impacting lives of those living in major cities across America.
Los Angeles faces numerous challenges unrelated to Middle East conflicts, yet local Jewish institutions are compelled to bolster security due to renewed threats. This atmosphere of fear is partly fueled by the DSA’s apparent willingness to glorify aggression abroad.
Conflicts persist when extremism remains unchallenged. As progressives gain increasing influence, DSA-backed elected officials should unequivocally condemn violence and acts of terrorism. Above all, they must acknowledge the DSA’s moral lapse in this instance and call out the organization for propagating hatred.
I think we should all go in together to send these three despicable council members to the Gaza strip to be with their HAMAS friends!
Most Democrats are anti-Semites, not all, but most. If they tell you they are not, then they are liars. The democrat Jewish voters don’t seem to care. Self-flagellation, self-loathing to the nth degree. Jewish voters will keep voting democrat, it is just they way it is.
just like the blacks with the KKK……They were killed by the thousands yet they turn around and vote them into office…….’STUPID’ is as ‘STUPID’ does……..
There have been professors in Calif colleges calling for the extermination of Trump supporters. Hillary Clinton has said reeducation is needed. Don’t discount them as the attitude you see of politicians and universities supporting Hamas and their murder of babies and civilians is a foreshadowing of them coming for you. Any act to promote their belief is valid including death to the other. You see it now attacking Israel I hear it rumbling in the US.