Emergency powers, in time of an emergency is a sign of responsible government. Emergency powers just to keep them in play is a sign of a dictator in waiting. Gavin Newsom has made no claim to be a law abiding person. He loves to close churches, schools and businesses, to determine our laws—or not enforce laws.
““The SMARTER Plan is not just for COVID-19. We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies.”
SMARTER stands for:
- Shots – Vaccines are the most powerful weapon against hospitalization and serious illness.
- Masks – Properly worn masks with good filtration help slow the spread of COVID-19 or other respiratory viruses.
- Awareness – We will continue to stay aware of how COVID-19 is spreading, evolving variants, communicate clearly how people should protect themselves, and coordinate our state and local government response.
- Readiness – COVID-19 is not going away and we need to be ready with the tools, resources and supplies we will need to quickly respond and keep public health and the healthcare system well prepared.
- Testing – Getting the right type of tests—PCR or antigen—to where they are needed most. Testing will help California minimize the spread of COVID-19.
- Education – California will continue to work to keep schools open and children safely in classrooms for in-person instruction.
- Rx – Evolving and improving treatments will become increasingly available and critical as a tool to save lives.
“The SMARTER Plan is not just for COVID-19. We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies. We’ll improve the SMARTER Plan as we learn what works.” (Globe emphasis)
This is fascism/Marxism—It is a hate freedom platform. That is California in 2023.
Three Years Later, Gov. Newsom Clings to Emergency COVID Powers – For the ‘Next Emergency’

‘The SMARTER Plan is not just for COVID-19; We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies’
By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 8/1/23 Three Years Later, Gov. Newsom Clings to Emergency COVID Powers – For the ‘Next Emergency’
“Did Gov. Newsom Really End CA’s COVID-19 State of Emergency?” the Globe asked March 1st when the governor announced he was lifting his emergency COVID order. “Three years later, it doesn’t appear the governor is really giving up his emergency powers.”
Here’s why: Newsom may have lifted the specific COVID-19 state of emergency order, but he replaced it with “The SMARTER Plan” which should make everyone extremely anxious.
The SMARTER Plan should give you chills, as Newsom’s Covid19.ca.gov website explains:
“The SMARTER Plan is not just for COVID-19. We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies.”
SMARTER stands for:
- Shots – Vaccines are the most powerful weapon against hospitalization and serious illness.
- Masks – Properly worn masks with good filtration help slow the spread of COVID-19 or other respiratory viruses.
- Awareness – We will continue to stay aware of how COVID-19 is spreading, evolving variants, communicate clearly how people should protect themselves, and coordinate our state and local government response.
- Readiness – COVID-19 is not going away and we need to be ready with the tools, resources and supplies we will need to quickly respond and keep public health and the healthcare system well prepared.
- Testing – Getting the right type of tests—PCR or antigen—to where they are needed most. Testing will help California minimize the spread of COVID-19.
- Education – California will continue to work to keep schools open and children safely in classrooms for in-person instruction.
- Rx – Evolving and improving treatments will become increasingly available and critical as a tool to save lives.
“The SMARTER Plan is not just for COVID-19. We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies. We’ll improve the SMARTER Plan as we learn what works.” (Globe emphasis)
Shots, masks, readiness, testing, education of school kids, Rx – Pharma solutions. How is the Covid-19 pandemic over if Gov. Newsom is clinging to his Covid protocols?
However, this plan wasn’t created in 2023 – Newsom and his administration started on this Marxist scheme in 2022.
There are 8 billion people in the world; there were 6,952,522 COVID deaths, according to the WHO.
According to Swiss Policy Research, reported today by Dr. Robert Malone, The overall infection fatality rate (IFR) of the novel coronavirus in the general population (excluding nursing homes) is about 0.1% to 0.5% in most countries, which is most closely comparable to the medium influenza pandemics of 1936, 1957 and 1968.
“In many Western countries, about 50% of all covid deaths occurred in nursing homes.” That is the only statistic our governor and government should remain focused on – not testing and locking down the healthy.
Swiss Policy Research also reports on Vaccine injuries: “Covid vaccines can cause severe and fatal vaccine reactions, including cardiovascular, neurological and immunological reactions. Because of this, the risk-benefit ratio of covid vaccination in healthy children and adults under 50 years of age has been questionable.”
This is from Newsom’s 2022 SMARTER Plan announcement:
“In collaboration with external partners and the federal government, California will launch the first-in-the-nation impacts of COVID-19 longitudinal cohort study to examine the direct and indirect impacts of COVID-19 on individuals and communities over time. Under the Plan, the state is pursuing a public-private partnership with a test manufacturer to drive down the costs of at-home tests while securing a reliable and timely supply chain for California. The state will also continue taking steps to ensure our health care facilities can continue to ramp up with additional staff and resources to respond to potential surges while minimizing strain on our health care systems.”
Read these statements carefully:
“California’s SMARTER plan should represent a turning point in managing the pandemic from taking whatever the virus brings us to being prepared to manage whatever challenges come next. This plan will act as a model for states around the country.” – Andy Slavitt, Former Senior Advisor for COVID-19 Response in the Biden Administration.
“California’s success in this next phase of the pandemic depends on our focus on those who have borne the brunt throughout: essential workers, older adults, Latino, Black, and Pacific Islander communities, and those with more limited resources. The equitable response is the smarter response, and I hope the plans outlined here receive sustained attention and investment.” – Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, PhD, MD, MAS, Chair, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Vice Dean for Population Health and Health Equity, University of California, San Francisco
“California’s thoughtful approach to the pandemic has led to the lowest per-capita death rate of any large American state. Coming out of the Omicron surge, we have to apply all the lessons we’ve learned in the past two years, to be sure that we’re taking the smartest possible approach to this rapidly evolving threat. I was impressed by the SMARTER Plan, which does just that.” – Robert Wachter, MD, Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
These statements are stunningly deceitful:
“California’s success in the pandemic…”
“California’s thoughtful approach to the pandemic…”
“California’s SMARTER plan… being prepared to manage whatever challenges come next…”
And Newsom just spells out how workers, students and school staff will continue to be required to be vaccinated, tested, boosted, and placing the COVID-19 vaccination on the mandated list of vaccines:
“Governor Newsom has implemented robust measures to protect Californians throughout the pandemic, including requiring that health care workers get boosted, expanding access to testing for students and Californians across the state, proposing to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of vaccinations required to attend school in-person when fully authorized for applicable grade spans, and implementing a standard that all school staff and all state workers either show proof of full vaccination or be tested at least once per week. Last year’s budget appropriated $1.7 billion to combat COVID-19 in fiscal year 2021-22. Now, Governor Newsom’s $3.2 billion COVID-19 Emergency Response Package, including $1.9 billion in early action funding that has already been approved, will help bolster the state’s ongoing vaccination and testing efforts, support workers, strengthen the health care system and combat misinformation.”
As Newsom boasts, “California administered more than 88 million vaccines,” but offers no statistics on the millions of Californians who have had serious medical complications from the vaccines, or those who died, as CDC adverse events statistics show, “particularly in male adolescents and young adults:” Myocarditis and pericarditis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, Anaphylaxis.
With the “SMARTER Plan,” Newsom is doubling down on COVID, including all of the policies that needlessly harmed, disabled and even killed Californians.
Here is more from the Swiss Policy Research and Dr. Malone’s substack:
- Lockdowns: In contrast to early border controls (e.g. by Australia), lockdowns had no significant effect on the pandemic. However, according to the World Bank lockdowns caused an “historically unprecedented increase in global poverty” of close to 100 million people.
- Children and schools: In contrast to influenza, the risk of severe covid in children is rather low. Moreover, children were not drivers of the pandemic and the closure of schools had no effect on infection rates in the general population.
- PCR tests: The highly sensitive PCR tests are prone to producing false positive or false negative results (e.g. after an acute infection). Overall, PCR and antigen mass testing had no effect on infection rates in the general population (exception: to sustain border controls).
- Contact tracing: Manual contact tracing and contact tracing apps on mobile phones had no effect on infection rates. Already in 2019, a WHO study on influenza pandemics concluded that contact tracing is “not recommended in any circumstances”.
These statements from Swiss Policy Research are also quite interesting:
- Media: Overall, media reporting on the pandemic was rather unprofessional, increased fear and panic in the population and caused a hundredfold overestimation of covid lethality. Some media outlets even used manipulative pictures and videos to dramatize the situation.
- Virus origin: Genetic evidence points to a laboratory origin of the new coronavirus. Both the Virological Institute in Wuhan (WIV) as well as some US laboratories that cooperated with the WIV performed various kinds of research on similar coronaviruses.
Governor Newsom, who is not a doctor, needs to be kept away from the levers of power – he sounds like a mouthpiece for the World Health Organization. And we are still questioning what he knows about the “Mysterious Chinese COVID Lab Uncovered in City of Reedley CA – and how this is all connected. We are told there’s another lab already up and running again in Fresno….