Tom Del Beccaro New Book: Lesson Three: America Is Exceptional Compared to All Other Civilizations

Are you wondering why America is no longer the country of your youth?

Are you concerned that your voice is being silenced?

Now there is a book that answers those important questions for you and many more.

The highly acclaimed book, The Lessons of the American Civilization, written by my good friend, Tom Del Beccaro, is now available for purchase.

According to Heritage’s Steve Moore, “Del Beccaro’s Lessons is a must read by anyone concerned about the long-term future of this country.”  Reagan’s economist, Art Laffer concurs and writes that “Del Beccaro’s Lessons shows us how to break out of modern habits and resume our journey toward freedom, peace, and above all prosperity.”

I have had an advance look at the book and I agree!

It is time for you to buy the book at

To entice you, Tom has given California Political News And Views an exclusive preview from his Chapter, The Top 10 Lessons of the American Civilization.

Lesson Three: America Is Exceptional Compared to All Other Civilizations

Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 7/10/24

From Thomas Del Beccaro’s “The Lessons of the American Civilization.”

“If we compare the American civilization to those before it, we find achievements and experiences unlike anywhere else in history. That is not to say America was ever perfect or without fault. We have seen some of those faults and, like all human experiences, some of those faults endure. It does mean, however, that by comparison, overall, it has had unparalleled successes.

We know that no other country was founded and sustained itself with such a broad array of rights for citizens. By comparison, the republics and democracies that came before the United States had more limited rights and often for a select few. Since then, America has continued to build on those rights—albeit in fits and starts.

The American experience saw George Washington win a revolution, lay down his sword, and then relinquish his power. With that historic act, Americans could deviate from much of the world’s known history and base their governments on God-given rights to their citizenry—not to a king. From there, Americans could authorize their governments to act only when citizenry permitted it to act. The magnitude of that precedent is lost on many today—but, in the annals of time, it was the foundational arch to the passageway of freedom for the masses.”


Don’t delay.  Get your copy at today!


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