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In 1984, President Reagan asked Walter Mondale, “where is the Beef?”  This was because Mondale had no plans or policies.  Maybe Kamala Harris is imitating him, who needs policy or even consistent views, she is the Vice President, you should not question her.  Maybe she doesn’t need to tell us her policy.  Her actions as a candidate for President in 2020 and policies as Vice President speak so loud, we do not need to hear a word she says—actions speak louder than words.

  • “While lauding post Covid increases in boosting employment figures, folks at the DNC barely mentioned that inflation created an environment that lowered the middle class standard of living during the Biden-Harris years by some $34,000 per family.
  • Harris promised to lower food costs by imposing price controls.  These ideas come right out of play book similar to failed efforts of the old Soviet Union and Venezuela.  Never discussed was the administration’s Inflation Reduction Act  thatcaused  just the opposite effect on American families.
  • Quietly omitted from the DNC was the failure of the administration’s so called Green New Deal.  After walking the picket lines in support of striking autoworkers, the Biden-Harris team found many of those they stood behind were laid off because consumers would not buy the electric cars they insist consumers purchase.”

Where’s the Beef? By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  8/29/24 

As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Wendy’s Where’s

The Beef advertising campaign, its message still rings loud and clear in politics.

Those of us who lived back then, fondly remember the words of actress Clara Weller, who coined this iconic phrase.  She was complaining McDonalds and Burger King offered customers large buns with a small helping of hamburger meat.

This Weller explained contrasted with Wendy’s who provided larger portions of protein inside the bun; thus the Where’s the Beef? expression was born.

This slogan was still relevant following the Democratic National Convention (DNC) last week.  Critics (mostly Republicans and independents) complained that the Donkeys in Chicago filled the air with platitudes lacking substance.

The only real issue these Progressives hammered home was abortion.  They  ranted, to the point of delirium, how the Supreme Court’s repeal of Roe vs Wade was going destroy life as we know it.

This was a major concern to the California delegation, even though state law allows the termination of a pregnancy, almost to the date of birth.  This perspective was similar to other Blue strongholds such as Maine New Jersey, and Washington.

Along with a women’s right to choose, the main topic of discussion was the unabashed hatred of Donald Trump.  Speaker after speaker condemned  the former President’s term of office as having been a threat  to democracy.

Such terminology was considered point of information.  No need for detailed descriptions of Trump’s misdeeds other than what allegedly transpired on January 6th 2021.

The former President was attacked approximately 297 times during the proceedings. Calling such banter an obsession could be termed a gross understatement.

Absent from those who addressed the DNC confab were specifics on how to deal with inflation, the Middle East conflict, crime, the Border, etc. These topics were barely mentioned. Instead we found:

  • The alleged Border Czar Harris had come down with a bad case of amnesia.  Despite her horrendous record, Harris promised to slow the traffic of illegal immigrants passing into the United States.  At no time did she accept blame for Joe Biden’s Executive actions blocking the construction of a border wall, repeal of the stay in Mexico policy, and the lenient catch and release program that has allowed some 10 million illegal migrants to enter the United States in the past 3 years.
  • Harris declined to discuss the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, or the lifting of economic sanctions against Iran; that has enabled them to conduct proxy wars through their allies in Hezbollah, Hamas, and the terrorists in Yeoman.
  • While lauding post Covid increases in boosting employment figures, folks at the DNC barely mentioned that inflation created an environment that lowered the middle class standard of living during the Biden-Harris years by some $34,000 per family.
  • Harris promised to lower food costs by imposing price controls.  These ideas come right out of play book similar to failed efforts of the old Soviet Union and Venezuela.  Never discussed was the administration’s Inflation Reduction Act  thatcaused  just the opposite effect on American families.
  • Quietly omitted from the DNC was the failure of the administration’s so called Green New Deal.  After walking the picket lines in support of striking autoworkers, the Biden-Harris team found many of those they stood behind were laid off because consumers would not buy the electric cars they insist consumers purchase.
  • She is  the same representative of a government that could only manufacture handful of solar chargers with 3 billion dollars of available funds. This figure makes one question how the VP can keep a promise of building 3 million new homes during her first term in office.

After the DNC concluded their get together, it was difficult to figure out their plans other than keeping Donald Trump from serving another term. Harris’s VP choice Tim Walz,  was depicted to be a friendly family man who is a great teacher and proud assistant football coach.

Such attributes hardly sounds like the resume of an individual a heartbeat away from being leader of the free world.

If one analyzed the nomination speeches in Chicago, it sounded like Kamala Harris was campaigning to become the  President of her High School class.  Popularity, leadership, and being a fun person to hangout with, was her calling card. 

Those of us asking the Wendy’s question of Where’s the beef?, found ourselves to be outcasts in a Presidential election getting weirder by the second.

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