Trump calls for return of paper ballots

This is confusing.  President Trump has made it clear that he wants paper ballots for 150 million Americans.  So does the Republican National Committee.  Yet, Corrin Rank who takes the Democrat Party position on abortion, DEI, affirmative action and more, also takes the Democrat Party position on paper ballots—she opposes them.  How can she represent the Republican Party when she opposes our main values and policies?

““It’s a damn shame, and I’m the only one that talks about it,” he said. “Everyone’s afraid to damn talk about it, and then they accuse you of being a conspiracy theorist.”

He said he won’t be a part of future elections, but that the country “oughta damn well go to paper ballots, you oughta go to voter ID and you oughta have the election over by 9 o’clock.”

He suggested that the extra days taken to count the ballots are when the election results are tampered with.”

Take the opportunity for misuse of the machine counted ballots—use paper ballots.  If it is good for 150 million Americans, it is good for 1532 California Republican in convention.

Trump calls for return of paper ballots

By Mallory Wilson – The Washington Times, 11/3/24

Former President Donald Trump said Democrats are “fighting so hard” to steal the 2024 election by extending voting days and hours.

“We should have one-day voting and paper ballots,” Mr. Trump told a rally audience in Lititz, Pennsylvania, Sunday.

“Then I just heard a couple of states may go an extra 12 days. How the hell do you have an election,” he said. “You know, they spend all of this money on these damn machines. Paper ballots — you’d have the answer by 9 o’clock tonight.”

“It’s a damn shame, and I’m the only one that talks about it,” he said. “Everyone’s afraid to damn talk about it, and then they accuse you of being a conspiracy theorist.”

He said he won’t be a part of future elections, but that the country “oughta damn well go to paper ballots, you oughta go to voter ID and you oughta have the election over by 9 o’clock.”

He suggested that the extra days taken to count the ballots are when the election results are tampered with.

“These elections have to be decided by 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock, 11 o’clock on Tuesday night,” he said. “Bunch of crooked people, these are crooked people.”

The need for voter identification has been a big discussion during this election season, especially with the influx of illegal immigrants in the country. Mr. Trump has said from the beginning that the election will be stolen and that Democrats use illegal immigrants to pad their votes.

He said “90% of the Democrats” apart from the “sleaze-bags,” tell him “all the time I don’t know why the hell we can’t have voter ID.”

“The real Democrats want to have things like voter ID,” he said. “They know it’s crooked. There’s only one reason why you don’t want voter ID and that’s to cheat.”

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