Trump Campaign and RNC Reveal Massive Election Integrity Program

The RNC is trying to make sure that 2020 is not repeated.  It looks like under Chair Whatley they are serious about this.  But not in California.  We are not a swing State and the grassroots are not organized for Trump.  We have a few targeted races, but the energy is for Trump, but not the organization.

Maybe the CRP needs to follow the lead of the RNC, they are provided the roadmap for election integrity.  As best as can be told the CRP Election Integrity Committee, led by Randy Bergholtz has not requested any lawsuits against the dead being on the voting rolls, an audit of the rolls to get illegal aliens off of them and more.

Want to win in California?  It starts with honest elections.

Trump Campaign and RNC Reveal Massive Election Integrity Program

HANNAH KNUDSEN, Breitbart,  4/19/24

The Republican National Committee (RNC), partnered with the Trump campaign, is launching a massive election integrity program ahead of the November 2024 election.

The RNC is dubbing this the “most extensive and monumental election integrity program in the nation’s history.” The program includes five areas of “observation” in the process, which the press release said will “guarantee coverage, and aggressive attorneys will be engaged at all these stages to stop Democrat attempts to circumvent rules.”

The five areas are as follows:

  • Logic & Accuracy Machine Testing
  • Early Voting
  • Election Day Voting
  • Mail Ballot Processing: Adjudication & Duplication
  • Post-Election: Canvass, Audits, Recounts

Poll watching is a huge part of it as well, and the program, in partnership with grassroots individuals and “legal experts,” is offering “comprehensive training sessions” every month on monitoring.

“These trainings will equip volunteers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively oversee potential problems in the electoral process, guaranteeing that every vote is counted accurately and fairly,” the press release reads.

Poll watchers will be working with the guidance of lawyers via State Republican War Rooms, as every single battleground state will have an “Election Integrity Hotline.”

Per the press release:

The State Republican War Room is the command center where lawyers will field all incoming questions and issues reported by poll watchers and voters statewide. Lawyers will guide poll watchers through the appropriate election code and provide clarity on how various issues should be answered, resolved, or escalated. This system will be operational from the first day of early voting through election day – and afterward if necessary.

Under the leadership of Chairman Whatley and Co-Chair Trump, the RNC is executing an unprecedented legal strategy, fighting in courtrooms across the country. We will deliver a pro-active litigation effort every time election officials are breaking the law as well as intervene to defend commonsense election law safeguards under Democrat attack.

The RNC team of lawyers is already aggressively engaging in legal battles around the country. So far this cycle, the RNC has engaged in 82 election integrity lawsuits in 25 states.

Overall, this program will have over 100,000 volunteers.

“Every ballot. Every precinct. Every processing center. Every county. Every battleground state. We will be there,” RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump said.

“The RNC is hiring hundreds of election integrity staff across the map – more than ever before because our Party will be recruiting thousands of more observers to protect the vote in 2024,” she added. “These campaign officials in states are tasked with recruiting, training, and when possible, shifting poll watchers and poll workers day in and day out.”

One thought on “Trump Campaign and RNC Reveal Massive Election Integrity Program

  1. Here’s an idea! The EIP-CA Project founded by Linda Paine & Ruth Weiss and supported by Tom Fitton’s Judicial Watch. Highly successful across the US and especially in California, until the do-nothing CAGOP got involved. This great organization was/is on top of election integrity especially in California until It got watered down by the CAGOP activity on the Central Committees. Now, who’s doing what and who cares? Rule No. 1 – IF IT’S WORKING, DON’T FIX IT!

    Time will tell if the RNC involvement will be at least as effective as the EIP-CA was. One can only hope!

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