When a drug company, in cahoots with the government, refuses to tell the public the risks of taking an experimental drug, you know something is fishy. When the drug company is profiting billions from the sale of drugs, you know something is fishy. When the government gives itself and the drug company immunity from liability for the deaths and illnesses caused by the drug, it is fishy.
“On Thursday, Pfizer announced that they are currently seeking to receive U.S. authorization for a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine, which could boost immunity and prevent the latest Delta variant, accounting for most of the new U.S. infections.
However, research from multiple countries suggests that just having two doses already offers strong protection against the new contagious COVID-19 mutant and creates high levels of virus-fighting antibodies. Yet, antibodies naturally weaken over time which has given reason for many to believe that there could be a new booster of antibodies.
Now they want to make more money—yet we are told that even if fully vaccination continue to wear a mask and keep social distancing, you know they do not believe in the drug. Worse, after the Fes use your tax dollars to finance the third jab, expect the drug company to say you need a booster every year! And through all of this they refuse to tell folks about the risks, the 62 people just in California who have died taking the jab.
Two Doses Aren’t Enough Says Pfizer, Who Received Over $4 Billion From The Fed

Written by Amanda Angulo, San Diego News Desk, 7/9/21
On Thursday, Pfizer announced that they are currently seeking to receive U.S. authorization for a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine, which could boost immunity and prevent the latest Delta variant, accounting for most of the new U.S. infections.
However, research from multiple countries suggests that just having two doses already offers strong protection against the new contagious COVID-19 mutant and creates high levels of virus-fighting antibodies. Yet, antibodies naturally weaken over time which has given reason for many to believe that there could be a new booster of antibodies.
But how many times have we been hearing this? When the vaccine rollout began, we were hearing from health officials and government officials that once you are vaccinated, there is no need to wear a mask. Then, the narrative changed to urging Americans to get both vaccines to boost immunity. Now we are hearing the same thing as previously, only with the addition of a new dose. How could we be certain that if a third dose is made, that it will be the final one?
Shortly after Pfizer’s announcement, U.S. health officials released a statement claiming that fully vaccinated Americans don’t need a booster just yet. In fact, U.S. health agencies have begun to engage in science-based processes that will help determine whether or not a booster could be necessary, according to the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In a joint statement they released, they had also mentioned that any decision on booster shots will occur only if “the science demonstrates that they are needed”.
“Let me emphasize, if you were vaccinated, you have a very high degree of protection,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s infectious disease expert.