Want to get extra credit at UCLA—go to a haters Rally and support terrorism. UCLA seems to be an adjunct to the Hamas University. Why isn’t the FBI rounding up the haters at these rallies like they rounded up and charge people in the Capitol on January 6? Can we afford not to have these folks in jail, protecting the rest of us from their proposed violence and support of killing babies.
At least Planned Parenthood legally kills babies in the U.S. with the protection of government. What is the excuse for Hamas killing babies—or do they have a contract from Planned Parenthood. PP in the U.S. likes to kill babies of color and the Hamas Planned Parenthood likes to kill Jewish babies.
UCLA professors offering extra credit for “teach in” supporting Hamas

DAVID STROM, HotAir, 10/12/23 https://hotair.com/david-strom/2023/10/12/ucla-professors-offering-extra-credit-for-teach-in-supporting-hamas-n584273
When will Americans wake up to just how compromised academia has become?
As you know, this is a subject about which I scream from the rooftops. As a former academic, a child and grandchild of professors and teachers, it pleases me not at all to turn my back on the education complex and be forced to call out the corruption. But it has to be done.
The latest example of the embrace of evil in our educational institutions is this sick offer of extra credit to students who attend a “teach-in” pushing anti-Israel propaganda.
Extra credit.
This is what comes when universities put all their efforts into hiring those who sell themselves as “anti-colonialist” promoters of “marginalized” communities. When they say “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” they mean the destruction of civilization, redefinition of “Human Rights,” and demanding the violent overthrow of civilization.
DEI is not about demanding that Western Civilization better live up to its values–Lord knows we all need reminders of our flaws and calls to do better. It is and always has been a Trojan horse that carries (and recruits) the foot soldiers of anti-Western warriors.
On university campuses across the Western world student groups and professors have been openly declaring their allegiance to this cause. Every Westerner is said to be a colonialist–America is a colonized land by their lights, and you are the colonizer they want to eliminate. And the embrace of Hamas and their tactics makes clear exactly what they mean when they say “By any means necessary.”
I support the idea of academic freedom; what I don’t support is the goal of replacing professors and researchers dedicated to academic inquiry with a cohort of activists whose sole goal is the destruction of our society using rape and murder as tactics.
Millions of parents send their children off to universities to be indoctrinated, utterly unaware of just how corrupt and compromised universities are. Confucious Institutes push Chinese propaganda, ethnic studies departments push racialist ideologies, universities are resegregating and labeling White students as dangerous, race and anti-gay hoaxes are the norm these days, and administrations push DEI initiatives that are explicitly aimed and transforming universities into totalitarian camps.
All this is funded by the government and fully endorsed by Democrat politicians whose policy it is to import as many third-worlders into the country. Open borders, DEI, CRT, and alphabet ideology are all about the destruction of our civilization through the indoctrination of children and young adults, many of whom are buying into the BS.
Governor Ron DeSantis is making a start by cleaning up Florida’s New College. This is the first baby step in taking back our educational institutions.
Christopher Rufo is optimistic that this project to reclaim our Western heritage will prevail. I am not so sure. The anti-Westerners are backed by trillions of dollars, and they own our cultural institutions. Some of our cultural elite are making noises about opposing the barbarism in Israel, but already we hear noises about how Israel’s acts of self-defense go too far and are too brutal.
That is nonsense. That Palestinian civilians are caught in the crossfire is tragic, but it is also a choice made by their own government and largely supported by the population of the region. Israelis have warned civilians, and Hamas has demanded that civilians ignore those warnings. This serves their long-term propaganda goals, and for many civilians, it is their duty to submit in service to Jihad. Parents are sacrificing their children for the cause.
Hamas and its supporters bear the responsibility for this. As for the awful conditions in Gaza? Consider this:
When you hear our cultural elites talk about DEI, CRT, the necessity of teaching alphabet ideology, and “decolonization” know that this is what they mean. Decolonizing means getting rid of YOU.
I wrote earlier today that it doesn’t matter why they hate us. They do. The least we could do is not rush to embrace and employ these haters and tell our children that they are role models.
Unfortunately, our elites have chosen to side with the barbarians. It is time to kick them out of power.
Netanyahu ordering 1,000,000 people to leave where they live in 24 hours? What is that about?
I thought the article above explained it very well. “Israelis have warned civilians ………”
It means that you elected HAMAS to represent you and HAMAS attacked Israel, and HAMAS put its offices and bomb factories under your houses, so leave …. or stay and fight/sacrifice for HAMAS, your elected government.