(Disclosure: This is satire—though many will see this as real)
We now know that 66% of those that got the virus since the inception of the vaccine were fully vaccinated. I do not oppose people getting the jab—but they should understand the risks involved and the long term affects. If you truly believe the jab works, get it. But then you need to stop wearing a mask, social distancing, etc. Why? Because of the jab worked you would no need these actions.
It is as if it were raining and I had an umbrella. You are walking next to me, without an umbrella—why should I care if you are getting wet—unless I believe the umbrella had holes in it. If I thought that why would I use an umbrella with holes?
Unvaccinated Man Feeling Left Out As All His Vaccinated Friends Have COVID

BabylonBee.com, 12/31/21
CLEVELAND, OH—Local unvaccinated man Chuck Dornley is feeling very left out this holiday season, as all his vaccinated friends have now contracted COVID.
“Maybe I should have just gotten vaccinated,” said Dornley. Then I’d have COVID like everyone else and I and my vaccinated friends would have something to talk about. Now I’m all by myself feeling healthy. Such a bummer!”
Dornley said to reporters that he also felt left out several months ago when he got COVID himself, and everyone was calling him a “grandma killer.” He hopes that once everything gets back to normal, he can go back to feeling left out for being a Cleveland Browns fan.