Join the U.S. Military. You will get a new name, ur, pronoun, if white you will learn you are the scum of the earth. If you are a person of color, you will learn you are a victim. You will defend our nation with words—since defeating the enemy is secondary to having WOKE military. If you are educated you will revolt against this and not re-enlist in the weakest military on the globe—possibly the only one that does NOT care about winning wars.
So, to make it look good, you get the most uneducated and unworldly people to serve in the military—good pay, good food and all you have to do is play along as either the oppressor or the victim.
“It just got easier to get into the Army. Now aspiring soldiers without graduations under their belts can still hang government-issued Sig Sauer M17s from them. reports that the U.S. Army is dropping its requirement for enlistees to possess either a high school diploma or GED certificate.
This comes, per the outlet, amid an “escalating recruiting crisis.”
Would you want a WOKE General leading you in battle? Would you want a demented President Biden giving you orders. Anyone with a half of a brain knows that adds to the danger. Of course people with brains will stay out of the military, until we end the WOKE defeat of our nation.
US Army Jettisons GED Requirement Amid an Ever-Woker Defense Department’s Desperation

By Alex Parker, RedState, 6/28/22
It just got easier to get into the Army. Now aspiring soldiers without graduations under their belts can still hang government-issued Sig Sauer M17s from them. reports that the U.S. Army is dropping its requirement for enlistees to possess either a high school diploma or GED certificate.
This comes, per the outlet, amid an “escalating recruiting crisis.”
On Thursday, the service announced that individuals may enlist without those previously required education certifications if they ship to basic training this fiscal year, which ends Oct. 1.
To be clear, entrants still have to take a test:
Recruits must also be at least 18 years old and otherwise qualify for a job in the active-duty Army. They also must score at least a 50 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB, an SAT-style quiz to measure a potential recruit’s academic ability.
But don’t call it a sky-high standard…
A 50 on the test is a relatively low score, with 31 being the minimum to qualify for service. Combat arms jobs such as infantrymen and cavalry scouts need only minimal scores to serve, while admin work such as a human resources specialist or public affairs require scores of 100 or higher.
How bad must the numbers be for the branch to market a “No GED Required” policy? Is the service still shooting at a “best and brightest” target? Either way, does an undoing of the GED mandate broaden the pipeline for a flood of formerly-marginalized men and women?
It seems to me there’s a national contingent working against Americans joining the military. As you know, any position is a potentially deadly job. Yet a portion of the people appears intent upon spreading the word that our country is cancerous. And “Die for a Planetary Disease” doesn’t appear a superior sales pitch.
Oddly, the woke have infiltrated the Armed Forces.
At West Point, they’re teaching Critical Race Theory. Last year, Florida Rep. Mike Waltz penned an op-ed about the issue for Fox News:
Imagine being a recent graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and you are given your first orders as an infantry officer in command of a unit in an active war zone.
You are thousands of miles away from home and responsible for the lives under your command. Like in most instances, your unit is comprised of soldiers of mixed ethnicities, religions and backgrounds.
With all this in mind, you were also taught in a government-funded course that the institutions you serve and that your unit swore an oath to defend, are inherently racist, and that inherent inequality based on skin color should impact your decision making.
Does this impact your thinking as you order a soldier to move forward against a machine gun? Will you select a soldier of a different race because you have White guilt?
A populace turned against itself isn’t a citizenry comprised of people ready to die for each other.
And despite the woke message that America’s not worth fighting for, wokesters are the ones the Defense Department evidently aims to attract:
All hands on deck-the-halls — the Navy’s donning gay apparel: notes a lack of new recruits goes across the board:
The Army and its sister services have scrambled this year, offering increasingly generous benefits and policy tweaks in an effort to improve recruiting numbers. The Army has hit 40% of its recruiting goals this year, with the struggle to fill the ranks seemingly so grim the Defense Department reduced its planned total force size because prior recruiting goals were out of reach.
Those challenges come amid a low unemployment rate and a competitive civilian job market, with employers offering increased wages and benefits even for entry-level jobs.
How will the service branches find our future veterans? That remains to be seen; but if I had to guess, I’d say a high school dropout who’s willing to die for country isn’t the same guy who’ll be forced to use a bearded bunkmate’s she/they pronouns.