Vaccine: About the $$ Not the Health

Pfizer has made out like a bandit.  $$3.5 billion from the sales of its COVID vaccine.  But, they know they ends when everyone is vaccinated.  So they are leading the charge for booster shots—every five months.  Now they are promoting the vaccine for every two year old and older.  Imagine the massive profit this will bring—with NO need to market.  Government is forcing folks to get the vaccine or else.  In California that means no job, no entertainment, no ability to go into a government building to do business.  You will be a non person, like  a Jew in Nazi Germany.

Looking ahead…Pfizer is strapping on its JanSport and heading to elementary school. In September, it will ask the FDA for emergency use authorization for kids age 2–11. It’s expected to get authorization for 12-15-year-olds next week.

For a drug that has very limited effectiveness, makes those who take it super spreaders, this is a windfall.  When will the American public wake up.  COVID is real and we need to find a real solution, not worthless masks, harassing those who do not take the drug and killing our economy.

Pfizer Reports $3.5 Billion in Q1 Earnings Thanks to Covid Vaccine

The drug company was the only one that did not accept federal funding for vaccine development

Morning Brew,  5/4/21 

It turns out novelty T-shirts aren’t the only way to make a pandemic profit. Pfizer said its Covid-19 vaccine did $3.5 billion in revenue in Q1, accounting for about a quarter of its total revenue.

Context: Last July, when we were still wiping down grocery bags, AstraZeneca and J&J promised to produce their vaccines at no profit to themselves, while Moderna and Pfizer looked at their phones and pretended not to hear the question. 

Pfizer was also the only company that didn’t accept federal funds for vaccine production, saying it wanted to be able to move as quickly as possible with production. At the time, politicians worried that Pfizer’s decision to refuse government funds would lead to price gouging.

Looking ahead…Pfizer is strapping on its JanSport and heading to elementary school. In September, it will ask the FDA for emergency use authorization for kids age 2–11. It’s expected to get authorization for 12-15-year-olds next week.