Ventura County:  Questions Residents if “Racism” was a problem during COVID?

How racist is the government of Ventura County?  Just look at the questions being asked of the residents and businesses in re: the government response to the COVID disaster.

Questions about the loss of education by children?  Not asked.

Questions asked about the mandating closing of churches?  Not asked.

Questions about the non scientific government edicts, like six feet distances, worthless masks, dangerous untested vaccines—that are now know to kill young men?  Not asked.

Questions about the County over reacting?  Not asked.

It appears the goals is to set us up for the next scamdemic—which is called “Disease X” by the radical anti-science World Health Organization.  Yup, they are preparing us for a scamdemic based on something that does not exist.

Trust government?  The LACK of good questions answers that issue.

Ventura County:  Questions Residents if “Racism” was a problem during COVID?

County of Ventura, 1/22/24

41. Are you aware of any challenges or shortcomings in the County’s efforts to ensure diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion were appropriately prioritized during the pandemic response? If so, how can the County improve its future emergency response efforts in this regard?

42. Are there specific resources, technologies or partnerships the County can implement to further enhance its ability to promote diversity, equity, accessibly, and inclusion?