Calling yourself a Catholic and being one are two different things—like Liz Cheney calling herself a Republican. Or Mitt Romney claiming to be a Republican but refuses to endorse Mike Lee for re-election. San Fran Nan is a CINO—Catholic In Name Only. The main portions of the Catholic theology not only does she reject her Catholic religion—but her actions—but is actively trying to kill.
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday refused to condemn the recent string of attacks on churches and pregnancy centers by pro-abortion zealots when a reporter asked for comment, opting to sidestep the issue with pro-abortion talking points.
“I’m a very Catholic person and I believe in every woman’s right to make her own decisions,” Pelosi said.”
She refuses to condemn violence against churches, Supreme Court Justices and thinks it is “Catholic” to kill babies. At best she is an agnostic, using the church for her political goals—of ending and closing the church. A very sick lady.
‘Very Catholic’ Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Condemn Recent Spate of Violent Attacks Against Pro-Lifers

By Debra Heine, American Greatness, 7/17/22
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday refused to condemn the recent string of attacks on churches and pregnancy centers by pro-abortion zealots when a reporter asked for comment, opting to sidestep the issue with pro-abortion talking points.
“I’m a very Catholic person and I believe in every woman’s right to make her own decisions,” Pelosi said.
Since news broke of a leaked draft ruling indicating that the U.S. Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade, there have been dozens of reports of left-wing violence and vandalism targeting churches and pro-life facilities, according to Life News.
The militant pro-abort group “Jane’s Revenge” has claimed responsibility for many of these attacks, including at least two arson attacks on pro-life centers. Last week, a pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo, New York, was heavily damaged in a terroristic firebombing, and last month, a pro-life organization in Madison, Wisconsin was wrecked in an arson attack.
Two other pro-life pregnancy centers,—one near Portland, Oregon, and the other in Keizer, Oregon—have been firebombed in recent weeks, though no particular group has taken credit for the attacks.
Meanwhile, a man armed with a Glock 17 pistol, tactical knife, pepper spray, hammer, screwdriver, crow bar, zip ties, and duct tape was arrested last week near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home. The 26-year-old California man told investigators that he intended to kill Kavanaugh to “give his life a purpose.”
In a statement originally posted on the dark web, Jane’s Revenge said the arson attack on the Wisconsin Family Action office on May 8 was “only a warning” and the group would “adopt the minimum military requirement for a political struggle” if pro-life establishments and organizations did not disband in next 30 days.
“We demand the disbanding of all anti-choice establishments, fake clinics, and violent anti-choice groups within the next thirty days,” the group said in the statement.
On Tuesday, Jane’s Revenge released a new statement declaring “open season” on pro-life pregnancy crisis centers.
“We were unsurprised to see thirty days come and thirty days pass with no sign of consilience or even bare-minimum self-reflection from you,” the letter dated June 14 reads. “History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes, and we’ve already seen such stanzas where medical autonomy is stripped away, humanity is increasingly criminalized, and merely surviving becomes largely untenable.”
During Speaker Pelosi’s Thursday press conference, a reporter asked her to respond to these terroristic threats and attacks on pro-lifers.
“As far as the abortion case is concerned there have been a number of attacks on churches, on crisis pregnancy centers,” the reporter noted. “Republicans are going after Democrats for not saying anything and they’re saying that your rhetoric is contributing to these attacks on these crisis pregnancy center[s].”
Rather than answer the reporter’s question, Pelosi recited pro-abortion talking points, and complained that the issue has been politicized.
“Well let me just say this: a woman has a right to choose, to live up to her responsibility, it’s up to her doctor, her family, her husband, her significant other, and her God,” she said. “This talk of politicizing all of this, I think, is something uniquely American and not right.”
She added: “Other countries, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, have had legislative initiatives to expand a woman’s right to choose, very Catholic countries. I’m a very Catholic person and I believe in every woman’s right to make her own decisions.”
The Speaker then asked if there were “any other questions on another subject because I’m not gonna be talking about that anymore.”
The Archbishop of San Francisco Salvatore Cordileone announced last month that Pelosi is banned from receiving Communion in her home diocese over her support for abortion.
Cordileone told Pelosi she would be barred from receiving the sacrament “until you publicly repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance.”
The Biden administration has also ignored the left’s reign of terror against pro-lifers, opting instead to focus on “white supremacists” and spreaders of “disinformation.”
Fox News host Jesse Watters blasted the Biden’s Department of Justice on his show Thursday, pointing out that there have been “zero arrests” amid the 59 attacks on pro-life churches and facilities.