I received this email from Vista Councilmember John Franklin. I thought California opposed discrimination. Instead in Vista, the KKK apparently is running the show.
“The permits to create new cannabis cultivation businesses will be awarded to exactly three people only. Councilmembers called for an “equity” clause, which as described, will create a lottery for at least two of the three permits, and if you’re not the right race, you need not apply, because you won’t be allowed.
Why isn’t AG Bonta demanding an end of this? Why is U.S. AG Garland not stopping this? Why isn’t the Democrat Party opposing racism and the right to apply for government programs opened to all citizens, not just the currently preferred ones? California in 2022 is as racist as Alabama in 1952.
Vista, California City Council Turns RACIST—Demands Discrimination

Councilmember John Franklin, Vista, California, 6/29/222
Dear Steve, I am dumfounded. Last night, Vista’s City Council voted to instruct staff to deny entry into a lottery for permits, unless your skin is the right color. Mayor Ritter and I voted no. I thought we were done with government sanctioned race discrimination in America. In Vista apparently, we’re just getting started. The permits to create new cannabis cultivation businesses will be awarded to exactly three people only. Councilmembers called for an “equity” clause, which as described, will create a lottery for at least two of the three permits, and if you’re not the right race, you need not apply, because you won’t be allowed. Watch the entire item for yourself, fast forward to 1:50:00 :https://youtu.be/mm35_xj_-2s I believe treating people differently because of the color of their skin is morally outrageous, and its unconstitutional. The 14th amendment to the Constitution says, “No state shall make it enforce any law which shall…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The Supreme Court clarified that separate accommodations for separate races violates the 14th amendment. What’s most concerning, is that today we’re discussing reparations and racial preferences in cannabis permits, but we could just as easily be discussing building permits, recreation programs or public safety policy. Where will we draw the line when it comes to unequal treatment under the law? In 106 days, Vista will choose a new Council majority, and what kind of City we want is on the ballot. I hope you’ll join me in voting for a majority that will represent all Vistan’s equally under the law. Tomorrow happens to be the end of the quarter, when candidates will report the progress of their campaigns. If you agree with me that government should be color blind, I hope you’ll consider supporting me and the team of common sense leaders I’m asking you to elect. You can sign up to volunteer, or very importantly, make a contribution today to ensure that Vista has a majority that will fight for true equality and fairness under law. Here’s how you can help. Go to: www.franklinformayor.com/donate I can’t thank you enough for your help and support. Sincerely, John John B. Franklin Deputy Mayor Candidate for Mayor Vista, California |