Walters: California’s 2024 ballot measures will revive familiar ideological battles

A few years ago the people of California passed a measure to be put into our Constitution—that marriage is between a man and a woman.  The courts have since determined there is no definition of marriage, you can marry anyone or anything you want.  To make sure we get the message the Democrat Party has put a measure on the MARCH, 2024 ballot to repeal marriage as defined in the Constitution.

“The two March measures, both placed on the ballot by the Democrat-dominated state Legislature, typify the trend of refighting old battles. One would repeal a 2008 ballot measure, passed by a 52% vote, that prohibited same-sex marriages but was later voided by the U.S. Supreme Court. The other would repeal a constitutional mandate known as Article 34, passed by voters in 1950, that requires voter approval for low-income housing projects.

Yup, the effect of these two measures:  YOUR VOTE NO LONGER COUNTS.  Voting is the basis of Democracy and the Democrats who have taken away free speech, closed churches, take more than 50% of what you earn in the form of taxes and expensive mandates, now wants to take away your right to vote—and if in the majority, cancel the results.

California’s 2024 ballot measures will revive familiar ideological battles

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

BY DAN WALTERS, CalMatters,  8/1/23


California voters will face a slew of ballot measures next year, all of which are essentially replays of old ideological clashes.

As it stands, the 2024 California ballot would be, as the old saying goes, “déjà vu all over again.”

Nine measures have qualified for the ballot: two constitutional amendments for the March primary election, and five initiatives and two referenda for the November general election. All are replays of polarizing ideological issues.

The two March measures, both placed on the ballot by the Democrat-dominated state Legislature, typify the trend of refighting old battles. One would repeal a 2008 ballot measure, passed by a 52% vote, that prohibited same-sex marriages but was later voided by the U.S. Supreme Court. The other would repeal a constitutional mandate known as Article 34, passed by voters in 1950, that requires voter approval for low-income housing projects.

The two referenda are by their nature replays of previous clashes, both backed by business interests seeking to overturn recent legislative efforts to impose more state regulation on their operations, and both are likely to spark multimillion-dollar campaigns.

One, sponsored by the fast food industry, would erase a 2022 union-sponsored bill that would create a 10-member Fast Food Council to regulate wages and working conditions in fast food chains such as McDonald’s and Burger King.

The second referendum, backed by the petroleum industry, would overturn a 2022 law requiring a 3,200-foot buffer between new oil wells and homes, schools, nursing homes and hospitals.

The five initiatives so far qualified for the ballot are also reruns of ideological clashes – three sponsored by those on the political left and two by conservative business interests, to wit:

While more 2024 initiatives or referenda are unlikely, when the Legislature returns from its summer vacation it probably will approve some bond issues that would require voter approval.