The Supreme Court, with the Dobbs decision has taught Democrats what a women is. Remember the Biden Supreme Court nominee that could not define a woman? Note that AOC talker about women AND birth parenting giving birth. You know in California middle and high school boys bathrooms will also have tampons, just in case.
Have you noticed not a single sign anywhere in the country is demanding abortion rights for men? Maybe the Court educated the Progressives about biology?
Weird: Democrats Suddenly Saying ‘Woman’ Today As If Everyone Knows What It Means

BabylonBee, 6/29/22
Hypocrites. The radical left demands tampons in mens bathrooms
U.S. – Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Democrats nationwide have been accusing the Supreme Court of taking rights from “women.” Onlookers have confirmed this to be confusing, as it seems to suggest that Democrats do in fact know what a woman is.
“Women today have less freedom than their mothers!” Nancy Pelosi took the stand today to defend “women’s rights to make their own reproductive decisions.” Onlookers found themselves befuddled by the rhetoric about the “women’s right to choose,” since Pelosi should have no way of knowing what a woman is since she is not a biologist.
Trans activists have come out in opposition to this timely recollection of what a “woman” is, decrying Pelosi’s “exclusionary and transphobic language.” One activist, Jesse Wolfshine, explained that “inclusion of trans people starts with the erasure of women.”
Eyewitnesses confirm that Mx. Wolfshine backpedaled and looked flushed when she realized she had used the word “woman,” walking back her statement: “Only after women are gone can we progress – I mean, uterused people, since that’s a woman part! I mean, that’s a birthing person’s part!”
Eyewitnesses confirm that Mx. Wolfshine still looks flustered while trying to erase women without using transphobic language, but still accidentally says “woman” after every two or three elaborate euphemisms for “women.”
Judges at a school spelling bee are stumped and infuriated when a child dares to ask them for a definition of the word “woman.”