West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Even Lefties Say Gavin Newsom’s ‘Make America California’ Not a ‘Winning Message’

If I were a betting person, the Hollywood slick, Newsom will be the Democrat nominee for President.  Were that to happen, except for some Blue States, about forty states will go with the GOP nominee—no matter who that is.

These are the issues he has to stay away from:  taxation, the environment, homeless, crime, religion, drugs, illegal aliens, education. And more.  At each of these he and California are the poster child for defeat and failure—actually what the Democrat Party currently stand for.

“Of course, even Democrats are laughing up their sleeve about Governor Hair Gel’s attempt to look busy and pretend things are great as he sheds the population of people who can still afford to leave and lost $60 BILLION in COVID-19 unemployment aid to COVID fraudsters in prisons and from overseas.

If Newsom aspires to something bigger than managing the decline of California, well, Rep. Ro Khanna, whose district includes Silicon Valley, says, “I think the message that says ‘Make America California’ is not a winning message,” he told Vanity Fair.

West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Even Lefties Say Gavin Newsom’s ‘Make America California’ Not a ‘Winning Message’

BY VICTORIA TAFT, PJ Media,  6/30/23   https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2023/06/30/west-coast-messed-coast-even-lefties-say-gavin-newsoms-make-america-california-not-a-winning-message-n1706677

While Joe Biden has been tripping over sandbags and slurring speeches, West Coast, Messed Coast™ Gov. Gavin Newsom is using duct tape, super glue, and reporters with special expertise in turd polishing to construct a story to tell Americans when Joe falls and can’t get back up in the 2024 presidential race. Newsom’s attempt is so facile and transparent that even the Lefty Politico noticed.

B+ in West Coast, Messed Coast™ decline management

Newsom has spent his term in office shutting down beaches, telling singers in churches to shut up or they’ll kill people, and blaming wildfires and drought on global warming while doing nothing about changing forest management practices or breaking ground on new reservoirs instead of flushing the majority of the California water into the ocean. Until now. Sort of.

Knowing he needed to do something to appear busy, Newsom pushed the legislature “for a set of bills accelerating infrastructure development.” And when push came to shove, “Newsom … jettisoned a controversial water project acceleration while adopting a modified version of Newsom’s push to relax [environmental] reviews.” Politico entitled the piece, “Newsom’s 11th-hour infrastructure push.”

Of course, even Democrats are laughing up their sleeve about Governor Hair Gel’s attempt to look busy and pretend things are great as he sheds the population of people who can still afford to leave and lost $60 BILLION in COVID-19 unemployment aid to COVID fraudsters in prisons and from overseas.

If Newsom aspires to something bigger than managing the decline of California, well, Rep. Ro Khanna, whose district includes Silicon Valley, says, “I think the message that says ‘Make America California’ is not a winning message,” he told Vanity Fair.

Newsom continues to go on blithely about how he has made California into the “True Freedom State” as a tweak at Ron DeSantis’s Florida. It’s such a phony, fraudulent message that even Newsom’s in-laws got the hell out of California and moved to … Florida.

Run away! Run away! 

As PJ Media’s Rick Moran pointed out recently, a Newsom colleague, Republican State Sen. Scott Wilk, advised parents that “if you love your children” then “flee” from California. Wilk says that recent woke legislation will take children from their parents if they don’t agree to sex changes for children.

Wilk says after his term of office ends, he’s leaving too. He’s moving “to America.”

COVID ‘ends’ in Oakland

Who knew that, as the rest of the world has been living a nearly normal life for the past year or so, things were very, very dangerous in the East Bay community of Oakland, Calif.? Oakland, of course, is home to the finest funk band in the world, ever, ever: The Tower of Power. What we didn’t realize is that Oakland needed a Soul Vaccination for the poor schmucks still living in fear — fear of losing free stuff.

Oakland just ended COVID renters’ subsidies, and the slackers are upset.

They claim that taking away taxpayer-paid rent is “robbery,” “theft,” and “abuse.”

Hey, we know it’s expensive in California. It’s quickly turning into a place where only the very wealthy or those on the dole can afford to live. But seriously, these folks haven’t paid rent for three years. Come on maaaan!