What’s Going On? Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration – 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND

Why do Democrats easily win in California?  Live ballots are sent to dad people. People who live out of State.  Now we find a new category—people who do not exist.  Note the “average” in the States is 15-25%.  That means in California only, at the 15% mark, three million voters that do not exist get ballots!

“During “new voter registration” States are to verify the driver’s license number against their own MVD database. Only in situations where no driver’s license can be provided should the State check their identity through the Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) interface provided by the SSA. The 43 States that participate provide the last 4 of the SS#, the applicant’s name, and DOB. The interface responds if a match was, or was not found, if they are deceased, and so on. This entire HAVV Excel dataset can be downloaded here from the SSA.

A whopping 393,017 did not have a match out of the 673,560. In fact, Arizona weekly processing has one of the highest Non Match percentages in the country, typically between 50%-65%. In most other States this ratio is from 15%-25%.”

And what is the California Republican Party doing about this?  They are raising money for election integrity—but not a dime for lawsuits to fix the voting rolls.  In other words, a lot of talk and begging for money, little action.

What’s Going On? Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration – 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit,  9/19/21  

In the last 10 weeks, Arizona has checked the voter registration credentials with the Social Security Administration (SSA) on 673,560 applicants.

This is a massive volume considering most States including Arizona typically process around 2,500 a month. They’ve processed more identities in the last 2 months than they’ve done in the last 9 years combined. Is someone scrubbing a database, or auditing “Federal Only” voters?

During “new voter registration” States are to verify the driver’s license number against their own MVD database. Only in situations where no driver’s license can be provided should the State check their identity through the Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) interface provided by the SSA. The 43 States that participate provide the last 4 of the SS#, the applicant’s name, and DOB. The interface responds if a match was, or was not found, if they are deceased, and so on. This entire HAVV Excel dataset can be downloaded here from the SSA.

A whopping 393,017 did not have a match out of the 673,560. In fact, Arizona weekly processing has one of the highest Non Match percentages in the country, typically between 50%-65%. In most other States this ratio is from 15%-25%.

In the first week of July, Arizona jumped from processing 500-600 a week, to a massive 70,000 a week. This volume stopped on September 10th and is now back down to a few hundred.  Starting in February both Texas and Kansas were also processing large volumes each week, between 30,000 to 55,000. This also stopped and went back to normal volumes in June. These are checks on older voter registration applications because this volume far exceeds new voter applications.