Why this San Fran Democratic club unendorsed Biden

Joe Biden has trouble with Jews, for failure to support Israel in eliminating Hamas.  Biden is in trouble with Muslims, for not giving full support to the Hamas terrorists.

Joe Biden has given blacks one thing, in three years—lots of illegal aliens taking their jobs, tax dollars, crowding their schools, hospitals and loss of government services.  Biden is losing the black vote.

Now, even the gay community has a problem with demented Joe.  “The Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club’s members voted over the weekend to walk back their previous endorsement of Biden, who is seeking a second term in office in the November election, over his response to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

In affect this famous gay club is supporting Hamas, which throws gays off roofs and stone them.  Looks like this group hates itself—and Biden will pay the penalty.

Why this San Francisco Democratic club unendorsed Biden

By Adam Shanks | SF  Examiner, 1/22/24   https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/politics/sf-harvey-milk-lgbtq-democratic-club-pulls-biden-endorsement/article_5b8d1c42-b973-11ee-8db5-17b52060ff8f.html

A prominent San Francisco Democratic club rescinded its endorsement of President Joseph Biden on Sunday.

The Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club’s members voted over the weekend to walk back their previous endorsement of Biden, who is seeking a second term in office in the November election, over his response to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

Biden has fielded criticism from progressives for his failure to aggressively intervene and dissuade Israel from continued bombings in Gaza. The Associated Press reported on Sunday that the war has now led to more than 25,000 Palestinian deaths since it began in October with Hamas’ attack on Israel, which killed about 1,200 people and resulted in the capture of about 250 hostages.


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The club had announced a round of endorsements, including for Biden, ahead of the March primary elections last October. But this month, a club member motioned to rescind that endorsement. On Sunday, members voted to “overwhelmingly” approve the motion, which required two-thirds support to pass under its bylaws, according to Milk Club President Jeffrey Kwong.

“Many of the Democratic establishment apologists are trying to say, Biden, (behind closed) doors has been privately pushing (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu to show more restraint,” Kwong told The Examiner. “But what we feel, we see, is that hasn’t been working, it’s a failed strategy, it has led to more deaths, (and) it has only resulted in a trickle of aid.”

Kwong said the organization’s members — many of whom are immigrants who have fled violence — were “indignant” over Biden’s “failure of moral leadership.”

Kwong said he believes the Milk Club is the first Democratic club in California to rescind an endorsement of Biden over his response to the war in Gaza. It was also the first to issue a statement condemning the attack in Israel and subsequent Israeli military action, he said.

A vote was also held to rescind the endorsement of State Sen. Scott Wiener, who is seeking a third term in office and has been a vocal critic of antisemitism in the wake of the attack in Israel. The motion failed, and Wiener maintains the club’s endorsement.

The conflict overseas continues to be enormously controversial locally.

Earlier this month, the Board of Supervisors approved a resolution calling for a cease-fire, drawing hundreds of Palestinians and supporters into City Hall. Its sponsor, Supervisor Dean Preston, said the crisis “has directly affected our constituents, and we should be doing everything we can to support and amplify their calls for peace.”

But Mayor London Breed announced last Friday that she would return the resolution without her signature. The move allows the resolution to take effect but sends a strong signal of disapproval. In a statement explaining the decision, she said she had spoken to many Jewish San Franciscans who no longer feel safe in The City but noted a veto would only return the legislation to the Board of Supervisors for further debate.

“I cannot watch us divide ourselves even more,” Breed said.

Kwong likens the Milk Club’s action to the Supervisors’ resolution.

“I think it sends a big signal that other bastions of support for the President, he should not really count on it, especially in these tough states, so he really needs to right his ship in order to show some leadership on this issue,” Kwong said.

Biden’s administration has expressed support for “humanitarian pauses” in the conflict, but not a general cease-fire.

The club’s endorsements are only for the March primary. A future vote will be held on endorsements for the November election.