Woman Who Started the Fawn Fire Is the Poster Child for Gavin Newsom’s California

How did the Fawn Fire get started?  Some woke person was trying to heat up buffalo urine.  That is not a joke.  These are the type of people behind Newsom and love the hippie, no responsibility life.

“From San Francisco CBS:

In a bizarre turn of events, charging documents said 30-year-old Palo Alto resident Alexandra Souverneva accidentally started the fire as she boiled bear urine to drink.

Not bizarre at all. This is becoming a way of life in Gavin Newsom’s California.

The Cal Fire officer who arrested her also said he believes there is a high possibility that she additionally started a separate vegetation fire the night before the Fawn Fire broke out in the city of Shasta Lake.

Souverneva faces a felony arson charge with an enhancement of committing arson during a state of emergency, according to Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett. She could face up to nine years in state prison.”

The crazies are running the State, into the ground—thought you should know.

Woman Who Started the Fawn Fire Is the Poster Child for Gavin Newsom’s California

By Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, RedState,   9/28/21 

The Fawn Fire is one of the many fires raging in California. It started last Wednesday, and has so far consumed over 8,000 acres. Since Monday, Cal Fire reports that it is 60 percent contained.

Beyond blaming climate change and holding his hand out for federal money, Governor Hair Gel has done little to mitigate and reduce wildfires in the state.

His Hairfulness exaggerated the funds allocated for wildfire prevention, and instead cut the budget. He has inserted himself into the PG&E bankruptcy to such a degree that the 70,000 victims of the 2018 Camp Fire still have not received restitution because of his interference. Despite his gaslighting on how he’ll stand with women for abortion rights, how California has the lowest COVID numbers in the state, and how he’s leading the way on climate change, wildfires are one of the true symbols of Newsom’s governance.

When you’re losing your home and your land, you don’t care about bright, shiny objects, niche issues, or the whys; you only care about the actions your government takes to try and save your investment. Newsom’s actions have shown he does not care about your investment; he only cares about his image.

Another symbol of Newsom’s governance is homelessness. He’s doubling down on throwing money towards the problem, making all types of moves to cut regulations so that Bento-box housing can be built to house people and get them off the street. But past efforts towards this have shown that the human detritus refuse this type of help, preferring to camp out on the streets of major cities, and wander through the woods and national parks of the state. Some of them are causing untold damage, including wildfires. Many of these people are substance-addicted; many more are mentally ill.

Speaking of mentally ill, the potential causation of the Fawn Fire has been discovered. Newsflash—it’s not climate change.

From San Francisco CBS:

In a bizarre turn of events, charging documents said 30-year-old Palo Alto resident Alexandra Souverneva accidentally started the fire as she boiled bear urine to drink.

Not bizarre at all. This is becoming a way of life in Gavin Newsom’s California.

The Cal Fire officer who arrested her also said he believes there is a high possibility that she additionally started a separate vegetation fire the night before the Fawn Fire broke out in the city of Shasta Lake.

Souverneva faces a felony arson charge with an enhancement of committing arson during a state of emergency, according to Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett. She could face up to nine years in state prison.

According to the Daily Mail U.K., Souverneva is a former forestry student-turned-shaman and yoga teacher.

Peak California.

During questioning by investigators, Souverneva, who previously worked as a scientist, but whose most recent job was as an SAT tutor, claimed that she had been thirsty whilst out hiking and found a puddle in a dry creek bed which contained bear urine.

She then claims she attempted to filter the water using a tea bag but when that failed tried to start a fire to boil the water. Souverneva said that it was too wet to start a fire so she drank the water and continued walking.


Souverneva is known to be a graduate of the California Institute of Technology and former Bay Area biotech employee.

She has also worked as a yoga teacher and describes herself as a shaman – a person who claims to have a direct connection with the world’s good and evil spirits.

The 30-year-old has a past criminal record that includes several run-ins with the law, including most recently earlier this month, when she was picked up on suspicion of trespassing.

The Fawn Fire started to the north of Redding. Lake Shasta is one of the main water resources in this area of the state. However, between drought and the resources needed to combat the overwhelming wildfires we have had this year, its normally overflowing reservoir is running out.

Lake Shasta this summer is facing possibly its lowest level in at least 44 years, and that could be bad news for the people who rely on it for drinking and irrigation water, as well as endangered salmon that depend on it to survive.

Dam operators have to go all the way back to 1977 to compare how bad this year’s water situation is shaping up to be, said Don Bader, area manager for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which manages the dam.

“It’s dry. It’s second worst, so far. It’s probably going to exceed ’77. But the kicker is in ’77 we didn’t have all the requirements that we have now,” Bader said.

The bureau is scrambling to figure out how to stretch the limited supply in the lake to meet the needs of cities and farms up and down the state that rely on water from the lake, as well as endangered salmon that need the water to survive downstream in the Sacramento River, Bader said.

Newsom’s plan to combat the drought? More restrictions. Residents need to reduce their water usage by 15 percent. Farmers and vintners need to do their part, too.

Wonder how many restrictions he has put on his PlumpJack group of wineries?

Asking for a friend.

In the meantime, the fires rage on, but Newsom is doing all he can to fight climate change!


So far the Fawn Fire has destroyed 144 homes and other structures, causing thousands of residents to be evacuated from the area. However, improving weather conditions and cooler temperatures allowed fire crews to make progress over the weekend, raising containment to 35% as of Sunday morning.

The fire at one point threatened 9,000 buildings but the number dropped to 2,340 on Sunday. The light rain that fell periodically over parts of Northern California on Monday was also helping the efforts to contain the fire.

A potentially mentally-ill woman starts a wildfire, and claims she was boiling bear urine in the forest to drink because there was not enough water in the lake. Souverneva is the poster child for Gavin Newsom’s California.

It will get worse before it gets better.