If you are a Marxist, you will love the Yolo Library system.
“Sophia Lorey, former college athlete and Outreach Coordinator for California Family Council, was one of the main speakers. Lorey stated,
“Currently 10 year old girls cannot live out the same dream [I had] as long as men are allowed to compete in womens sports. So now no matter how hard girls work…” And then I was cut off and told by the librarian I would be removed, so then I continued talking saying “biological girls” and “biological men” to finish sharing my story. The librarian then told me to leave and if I won’t leave he will shut the entire meeting down.
The librarian then again told me to leave so I directly said why am I being asked to leave and he told me “Because you are misgendering, you were talking about men in women sports.”
It is the LIBRARIAN who is misgendering—not Ms. Lorey. Just because a man calls himself a girl, dog or minotaur, does not make it so. Lorey was talking about MEN in women’s sports, correctly gendering man. Guess the librarian failed her biology classes.
Yolo County, CA Library Tramples on Constitutional Rights of Moms for Liberty Group

By Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, Red State, 8/21/23 https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2023/08/21/davis-ca-library-tramples-on-first-amendment-rights-for-misgendering-n2162857
The Yolo County Public Libraries claim that “Libraries are for Everyone.” This weekend, at Mary L. Stephens Branch Public Library, part of the Yolo County system, The Moms for Liberty (MFL) Yolo Chapter discovered they were not everyone.
How was your weekend?
MFL reserved a room in the Mary L. Stephens Branch Public Library in Davis, California, for this free event surrounding the “Forum on Fair and Safe Sport for Girls.”
Note that the event flier clearly states,
“This event is not sponsored by Yolo County Library and the presence of this group in the meeting room does not constitute Yolo County Library’s endorsement of the policies or beliefs of this group.”
This should be enough to absolve the library of any liability while honoring MFL Yolo’s First Amendment right of freedom of speech and assembly in a PUBLIC space.
Sophia Lorey, former college athlete and Outreach Coordinator for California Family Council, was one of the main speakers. Lorey stated,
“Currently 10 year old girls cannot live out the same dream [I had] as long as men are allowed to compete in womens sports. So now no matter how hard girls work…” And then I was cut off and told by the librarian I would be removed, so then I continued talking saying “biological girls” and “biological men” to finish sharing my story. The librarian then told me to leave and if I won’t leave he will shut the entire meeting down. The librarian then again told me to leave so I directly said why am I being asked to leave and he told me “Because you are misgendering, you were talking about men in women sports.”
The librarian interrupted her, claiming it was against state law to misgender someone or a group of people. “You were misgendering… You were saying male in female sports.”
Shameful. This Davis, CA public library just kicked out the organizers and guests of this forum 20 minutes in, despite having a reservation. Transactivists showed up screaming and interrupting the speakers from the start. The forum has continued in the library’s parking lot.
The librarian shut the event down, yet allowed transgender activists to disrupt and continue protesting. The MFL Yolo group was forced to find a nearby field to continue their program.
California lawyer Julie Hamill addresses this supposed “law.” It doesn’t exist in the state of California. While the California legislature tried to insert this type of language into a trans rights bill in 2021, the California Third District Court of Appeals struck it down on First Amendment grounds. While local and private institutions may attempt to enact such so-called rules (and have), an institution that operates on public tax dollars and that is supposed to be viewpoint neutral has no basis for such an action.
RedState reached out to the Yolo County Public Library via phone and email for comment but received no response at the time of publication.
Moms for Liberty has been in the crosshairs of leftist groups because of the Southern Poverty Law Center designating them as a hate group. MFLs pro-parent, anti-grooming stance, especially when it comes to school literature, has hackles up and Drag Queen and LGBTQ protestors out in force whenever any MFL chapter sponsors an event. The group was part of the targeting on August 5 when Brave Books and Kirk Cameron launched its “See You at the Library” events nationwide, and one Alabama County library attempted to cancel its MFL-Alabama sponsored book reading. That County was confronted with citizens’ rights and the Constitution, and I suspect that Yolo County will experience the same.