If you want to work in many industries and companies in California you need to pay extortion, called dues, to a union. Qualified for a job—only if you pay dues to a third party, the unions. That is why many
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Author: Stephen Frank
Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews. Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. The modern day Hitler Youth on college campuses do not support Hitler—they support Hamas. Not much of a difference. College campuses from Yale to Cal Poly
Public school enrollment falling nationwide, data shows
Families, in California and nationwide, are realizing government education is a failure. Worse, it has turned into a racist, anti-science and sexist operation. Education is based on emotions not facts, history or common sense. Teachers and students are frightened to
Extorted Money Kills Education in Orange County
If you want to teach in a government school in Orange County, you will pay a bribe to the unions. If you don’t, which is your legal right, you will be isolated, not get promoted or considered for an Administrative
Developers—NOT Cities—Control Zoning/Building
Thanks to Newsom, Sen. Weiner and the Sacramento Democrats city councils are no longer needed. Developers, using a new State law, can now build wherever they want. The State is required to approve city housing plans. So, the State does
Anybody notice how ‘Latinamericanized’ California crime is getting?
Areas of Orange County have been invaded by illegal alien criminals (sorry about being redundant) from Chile. Los Angeles has parts owned by criminals from Guatemala, El Salvador and the infamous MS-13. “In San Francisco, the Marina Times reported this
Elias: How a deal could bring fast reform to Proposition 47
Over 900,000 people signed a petition to put a partial repeal of the crime promoting Prop. 47 on the ballot. It will be on the November. Maybe. “So how to speed their useful ideas into law? The answer is for
Breed’s Treasure Island developer bailout is a serious problem
San Fran has an $800 million deficit and growing. Firms are leaving the city, people are not going to work in the city and tourist are staying away from the crime, disease and drug ridden San Fran. One industry that
Now, even Progressives realize that blocking bridges is counterproductive. “Confining people in traffic is not likely to sway them to your cause. In fact, one of the inconsistencies of bridge blockades is that they disproportionately negatively impact the working-class people
Environmentalists’ silence on humanity and environmental atrocities.
Thanks to Newsom and using tax dollars that was to be used to BUILD water storage facilities, almost $400 million is being used to demolish four dams in Oregon. Gavin has no replacement for the water lost. Instead they started